Members present: Lindsey Skaggs (ISU), Andrew Belongea (COL), Marlee Graser (SIE), Alice Creason (LEW), Matt Short (NIU), Rachelle Stivers (HRT), Allan Berry (UIC)
Members absent: Colin Koteles (COD), Aimee Walker (JOL)
CARLI Staff Present: Amy Maroso, Jessica Gibson
1. Review and approve minutes from October.
- Allan moves to approve, Matt seconds
- Approved
2. Review of recent Ex Libris Primo VE software release updates
- Allan provided a summary of some of the new highlights
3. Sub Committee Updates
- Dedup/FRBR
- Have had several meetings, last met Monday 11/7
- Andrew and Alice doing some testing in Sandboxes to test two different methods of de-FRBR method
- deactivating FRBR key
- running some rules on a set of records to break apart Bible records
- so far tests have been unsuccessful
- you can’t configure the FRBR keys as much as we thought/hoped we could, i.e., cannot define which fields and sub-fields are part of a key
- Andrew had better success with Rules approach
- Following SUNY procedures and metadata standards: recommendation for suppressed records: 130 uniform field.
- May be a potential, promising solution
- Local Fields
- Last met 10/24
- Most have been configured in Sandboxes
- This took some effort
- Sandboxes include UIC, KNX, UIS
- Subcommittee is considering a staggered release of the fields in two phases
- Phase 1 includes notes and subjects fields first so should be uncontroversial; would like to try to configure before next reindexing in January
- Phase 2 will include data from descriptive fields; aiming for June to catch reindexing in July
- Will send to other CARLI committees for feedback, specifically Technical Services Committee and hopefully Instruction Committee
- By distributing a full set of Local Fields from the Network Zone, we can do the bulk of the definition work for libraries, who can then choose to use the fields or not as they prefer.
- Then we can support institutions with the rest of the configuration with how-to documentation, maybe offer office hours, etc.
- Local Resource Types
- Last met 11/1
- The spreadsheet contains the current draft list of proposed Resource Types to add
- Testing to see how they work in Sandboxes
- Also working to define Secondary Resource Types at the same time, e.g. Audio CD
- Equipment is one Resource Type that we want to define, but equipment will vary by library:
- Will need to provide guidance for Libraries on how to catalog equipment to take advantage of the custom Resource Type, e.g. “Piece of equipment” in 300 subfield A
- Usability best practices
- Met to discuss plans for programming
- Webinar scheduled for Dec 13, 1-2pm
- Amy will request CARLI registration form and get into the CARLI newsletter
- potential title and description
- “Usability 101”: invite to a panel discussion
- UI best practices
- discussion and QA
- Presenters will be Aimee, Colin, Allan, Lindsey and Chad Kahl (ISU)
- Two parter series:
- This term: what types of testing
- Spring: what the testing did
4. Ex Libris Idea Exchange
- Allan presented about three Ideas he found interesting; two of them were applicable to our network environment
- We discussed in general how the DPC can champion individual Ideas that would benefit I-Share libraries
- Maybe an informal program about the IDEA Exchange; everybody goes through and makes a case for different Ideas
- Introduce Idea Exchange and how to use it
- a little bit of a presentation up front:
- why it’s important
- how to set it up
- CARLI can help to support this
- maybe Spring? early in the Semester, when people are fresh
- Registration may not be necessary, but it does help to keep things
- organized and for CARLI statistics in annual Value Letters
- Not necessarily a formal presentation, more of a conversation
- This committee could vet the ideas ahead of time
5. New Business
- We discussed if there were any Highlights from most recent Primo VE release notes that we should call out and pass long to I-Share libraries:
- “warning message” for guest users when saving to favorites
- “Direct Linking from Full Record”
- maybe problematic if behavior in Full Record differs from Search Results; there are two independent configuration options that can be set
- New Resource Recommender features
- Jessica will draft an email about these three for the committee to review that can be sent to our I-Share email lists
- We discussed if the committee should provide any programming or content related to the Primo VE Quarterly Feature Releases
- Feature releases are quarterly; bugfixes occur each month
- Ex Libris has quarterly webinars to go over the new features (Hosted by Nili Nathan of EXL)
- This committee could have a discussion session after that webinar to discuss. The “after sessions” held by CARLI following the first “Primo VE Become An Expert” webinars was a hit with libraries.
- Next Quarterly Feature Release is February 2023; let’s plan to do something after it.
- We created a new file to collect possible IDEA Exchange items we want to follow up on. Homework for next meeting is to look at the Idea Exchange and record those that look interesting or helpful.
- Scheduled next subcommittee meetings for Dedup/FRBR and Usability best practices