Collections Working Group

CARLI Staff Liaison: Elizabeth Clarage

Body to which the group reports: Governance Board

This committee was discharged June 30, 2013.

Scope of work:
The Collections Working Group provides advice to the CARLI Board in matters relating to collection development and collection management within CARLI. Included in this charge are management of the collection partnership grants. The Collections Working Group will advise the CARLI Board about policies and structures for future collection development and collection management projects.

Member appointment and terms:
Members are appointed for 3-year terms beginning on July 1. A rotation system has been established for the expiring terms whereby approximately one third of the committee membership is appointed each year. 

Expected reporting frequency:
The committee chair will submit a written report of committee’s activities to the CARLI Board at the end of the fiscal year. Additional updates on activities may be requested by the CARLI Board throughout the year.

The chairs of the Collections Working Group, the E-Resources Working Group, the Preservation Working Group and the Public Services Working Group will meet, at least twice a year, to share what their groups are discussing, in order to reduce duplicative efforts and identify opportunities for collaboration.

Tasks required on completion of work:

Recommendations for new or enhanced CARLI products, services and programs should be sent to the Products & Services Vetting Committee or the CARLI Program Planning Committee. The CWG chair will forward other documents dealing with staffing, policy, and budget issues to the CARLI Board for review and approval.