Chair: Anne Craig
Ex Officio: Margaret Chambers, CARLI
CARLI Staff Liaison: Margaret Chambers
Name | Institution |
Sarah McHone-Chase | Aurora University |
Geoff Pettys | Southern Illinois University School of Medicine |
Frances Whaley | Kishwaukee College |
Body to which the group reports: Governance Board
Scope of work: The CARLI Scholarship provides financial assistance to current employees of CARLI Governing Member libraries pursuing graduate studies leading to a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science at teh University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The CARLI Scholarship Committee will select individual recipients based on the following criteria:
Member appointment and terms: The Scholarship Committee is composed of three Board members, one from public institutions, one from private institutions, and one from community colleges. The Senior Director serves as chair of the committee. Committee members are appointed annually by the CARLI Senior Director.
Expected reporting frequency: The Committee will report to the Board annually regarding applicants and recipients of the CARLI Scholarship.
Timeline: Not applicable
Staff or Board liaisons: CARLI Senior Director
Tasks required upon completion of work: The Scholarship Committee will recognize the recipient at the CARLI Annual Meeting.