CARLI Staff Liaison: Susan Singleton
Body to which the group reports: Governance Board
There continues to be a fairly high volume of turnover among CARLI member academic library directors, many of whom are moving into their first directorship. The New Directors Mentoring and Leadership Development Task Force is charged to develop an ongoing and sustainable program for new directors of CARLI libraries that will help acculturate them to Illinois and CARLI, and provide support for mentoring and professional development that will help them succeed. The Task Force’s charge includes determining desirable outcomes and developing a series of programs to achieve those outcomes.
The Task Force will develop and roll out the programs in phases, with the first phase deliverable in Fall 2013.
Member appointment and terms
The Task Force is intended to be temporary and all members shall be expected to serve until the charge is fulfilled. The group shall include representation from the CARLI Board and from the membership at large.