Past Chair: Tom Goetz
CARLI Staff Liaison: Lorna Engels
Body to which the group reports: Governance Board
This committee was discharged June 30, 2013.
Scope of Work:
The I-Share Users' Group (IUG) coordinates the consortial aspects of the I-Share system for the benefit of participating libraries and users. IUG serves as a primary resource for identifying, evaluating and informing the Board and the membership on new and emerging trends and technologies that will support, enhance and expand resource discovery and sharing for CARLI member libraries and their users.
- The I-Share Users' Group (IUG) coordinates, facilitates and supports the work of function-focused I-Share teams.
- IUG acts as a primary resource to the Board of Directors for the identification and investigation of emerging trends and technologies that will expand and enhance resource discovery and sharing for the benefit of the entire consortium.
- IUG and the I-Share functional teams prepare recommendations concerning specifications, selection, implementation, and ongoing instruction and support for tools and services related to the respective functional areas.
- IUG assists the CARLI Office in planning and presenting continuing education events such as forums and workshops.
- IUG suggests mechanisms to assess our consortial operations, and indentifies models, metrics, and best practices for our consortial efforts.
- The I-Share Users’ Group (IUG) advises the CARLI staff and the CARLI Board on consortial policies, practices and future directions.
- IUG communicates with member libraries and other CARLI bodies to facilitate cooperative initiatives.
- The IUG will provide this coordination and facilitation with particular reference to the CARLI strategic plan and with the explicit consideration of all CARLI libraries.
Expected reporting frequency:
In order to inform and support the work of the Board on matters related to I-Share, the IUG will be asked to provide the following:
- September 2010 Board meeting–a written plan of investigation and action for FY 2011
- Fall 2010-Spring 2011–interim progress reports, as requested by the Board
- June 2011 Board meeting–a summary of progress for the year and preliminary plan for FY 2012