CARLI Staff Liaison: Lorna Engels
CARLI Staff Liaison: Mel Farrell
Body to which the group reports: Governance Board
Scope of work:
The Task Force shall consider the benefits, issues and options in creating a common set of policies pertaining to the loan periods, and potentially other policies, that apply to resource sharing transactions initiated in I-Share (Voyager) between the I-Share participant institutions.
Member appointment and terms:
The Task Force is intended to be temporary and all members shall be expected to serve until the charge is fulfilled. The group shall include representation from the CARLI Board, the I-Share Users’ Group, the I-Share Resource Sharing Team and from the I-Share membership at large..
Expected reporting frequency:
The committee will provide a report to the Board on suggested policy recommendations at its March 2008 meeting at which time the Board will inform the Task Force as to the deadlines and audiences for further reports.
An overview of the Task Forces recommendations will be provided to the CARLI Board of Directors for their March 2008 meeting. A complete report, including any changes to the I-Share Resource Sharing Code, will be provided to the CARLI Board in time for it to be an action item at their May 2008 meeting. Any policy changes should go into effect in mid- to late summer 2008, on a date to be determined. It is expected that the Task Force’s work would be completed in late summer 2008, unless the Board recommends a change to its timeline.
Staff or Board liaisons:
At least one CARLI Office staff representative will serve as the liaison to the Task Force.
Tasks required on completion of work:
Should the recommendation be made to change I-Share resource sharing policies, the Task Force shall work with the IUG and the CARLI staff to develop a plan for educating the I-Share membership about the changes. Actual changes to Voyager policy settings will be made in the most automated, efficient way possible, working with ExLibris as needed or desirable.