CARLI Staff Liaison: Elizabeth Clarage
CARLI Staff Liaison: Connie Walsh
Body to which the group reports: Governance Board
Scope of work:
The Task Force will review the history and current operation of the Collections Enhancement Program that funds the OCA digitization effort, collection-related research projects, and material acquisition awards to member libraries. The Task Force will evaluate the benefit to resource sharing and the cost effectiveness of each component of the program. The Task Force will make recommendations to the Board of Directors on the continuation, modification, and/or redesign of each component in sufficient time to implement any changes for FY 2012.
Member appointment and terms:
The Task Force is intended to be temporary and all members shall be expected to serve until the charge is fulfilled. The group shall include representation from the CARLI Board and from the membership at large.
July, 2009 (suggested) – Task Force organizational meeting
August-December, 2009 – Evaluation of the current Program and development of preliminary recommendations
September, 2009 – Interim reported to the Board
December, 2009 – Interim report to the Board
January-March, 2010 – Preparation of final recommendations
March, 2010 – Board acts on final recommendations
March, 2010 – Results of the Board action announced to the CARLI membership.