Executive Committee

Chair: Pattie Piotrowski
Ex Officio: Margaret Chambers, CARLI
CARLI Staff Liaison: Margaret Chambers

Name Institution
Matt OstercampNorth Park University
Pattie PiotrowskiUniversity of Illinois Springfield
Rachelle StiversHeartland Community College

Body to which the group reports: Governance Board

Scope of work:
The officers of the CARLI Governance Board shall constitute the Executive Committee. The Committee is advisory to the Chair and to the Governance Board on scheduling agenda topics and preparing information for the Governance Boards’ review and action. The Committee is authorized to act on behalf of the Governance Board on any urgent matter requiring Board approval, unless a regular or special meeting of the Governance Board is scheduled to take place within 48 hours.

Member appointment and terms:
The CARLI Board elects its own Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect each year to join the current Chair, Past Chair, and CARLI Senior Director in forming the Executive Committee

Expected reporting frequency:
As needed to update the Board on their plans and actions.

Not applicable

Staff or Board liaisons:
CARLI Senior Director

Tasks required on completion of work:
Not applicable