CARLI Board Minutes September 17, 2021


Members attending: Spencer Brayton (Waubonsee Community College), Anne Craig (CARLI), Rebecca Donald (Trinity International University), Karen Janke (Erikson Institute), Jacob Jeremiah (Oakton Community College), Dallas Long (Illinois State University), Greg McCormick (Illinois State Library), Matt Ostercamp (North Park University), Pattie Piotrowski (University of Illinois Springfield), Shannon Pohrte (Elgin Community College), John Pollitz (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Marianne Ryan (Loyola University Chicago), Sharon Silverman (City Colleges of Chicago)

Absent: Taran Ley (Southern Illinois University School of Medicine)

Guests: Sarah Zehr (University of Illinois System)

Staff attending: Margaret Chambers, Elizabeth Clarage, Diane Day, Gordon Fellows, Kristine Hammerstrand, Jenny Taylor


  • Minutes of the June 11, 2021, Board meeting were approved prior to the meeting.
  • The Board approved the revised Mission and Value Statements as recommended by the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force. The revised Mission Statement will be included in revised CARLI Bylaws to be presented to the membership for approval in early 2022.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 12:35 p.m.


  • The University of Illinois expects a flat budget for FY22.
  • The Board thanked the University of Illinois Systems Office for their ongoing support of CARLI.
  • The Board welcomed new members Dallas Long (Illinois State University), Shannon Pohrte (Elgin Community College), and Marianne Ryan (Loyola University) to their first official meeting.
  • CARLI has completed the migration of services to Amazon Web Services (cloud hosting service procured by the University of Illinois System). All server hardware has been removed from University of Illinois data centers.
  • CARLI is preparing for the CY22 selection cycle. We anticipate opening the system for libraries to make subscription commitments from October 11 through November 5.
  • CARLI is working license renewals contracts for the American Mathematical Society, the Association for Computing Machinery, Duke Press, eHRAF, and Johns Hopkins University Press (Project Muse). The current agreements expire at the end of the calenda year.
  • CARLI will not be joining ACM’s transformational agreement to Open Access. We will attempt to negotiate a 2-year license like the current license.
  • CARLI currently exceeds the number of named users (Alma staff logins) allowed with in our license with Ex Libris. CARLI is working with I-Share libraries on best practices for managing Alma staff user records, reports for tracking these numbers and identifying unused staff logins, and procedures for deactivating unneeded staff user records.
  • CARLI is currently storing more bibliographic titles Alma than what is covered in our Alma subscription. CARLI has contracted with the Illinois Heartland Library System's Catalog Maintenance Center to assist the CARLI Office staff and I-Share member library staff in identifying duplicate titles and consolidating these records where appropriate. The three cataloging positions are being supported through a University of Illinois System Office internal special funding initiative program.
  • As of September 17, 27 I-Share libraries have activated the bX Article Recommender available in Alma. bX captures anonymous usage information from millions of scholars around the world to expand the user discovery experience with relevant recommendations for articles and ebooks.
  • CARLI has purchased a block of registrations for the ELUNA Learns webinars being offered by the Ex Libris Users of North America. Information will go out this month regarding registrations that remain available to I-Share library staff.
  • CARLI is working with a group of member library staff to develop the sub-grant application for Illinois SCOERs (Support for Creation of Open Educational Resources). This program, funded through a $1.08 million grant from the US Department of Education’s Open Textbooks Pilot Program, will provide access to open textbooks and personalized learning tools for entry-level courses in high-demand health care and human development career paths. The grant period is three years, 9/1/21-8/30/24.
  • CARLI has launched the OER Common Hub: Open Illinois. The hub facilitates the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) and supports training, advocacy, and coordination of cooperative efforts for the benefit of CARLI members, and other Illinois stakeholders. The Open Illinois is available at
  • CARLI is working with UIUC Library staff and UI System Office Legal to finalize administrative issues for the Institutional Repository pilot project for a small group of CARLI members.
  • As a result of shutdowns related to COVID-19, IMLS has granted CARLI a one-year, no-cost extension to the CARLI Counts award. This extension means that CARLI can offer an additional cohort (the program was originally slated to include two cohorts). Cohort 3 will meet exclusively via Zoom beginning September 28.
  • CARLI has selected three recipients for the 2021 CARLI Scholarship: Jacqueline Mann, Loyola University Chicago; Abigail Mastin, University of St. Francis; and Kate Swope, Northern Illinois University. Each recipient will receive a $1,000 CARLI Scholarship for the 2021-2022 academic year. The recipients will be invited to give brief remarks at the 2021 CARLI Annual Meeting.
  • CARLI has completed a successful pilot year in the Professional Development Alliance, a group of nine library consortia dedicated to sharing free, online professional development opportunities with other alliance members. CARLI-sponsored programs received a total of 1410 registrants, 768 attendees, and 178 views of programs that were recorded. CARLI members benefited from PDA-partner programming, which opened 110 continuing education opportunities between September 2020-July 2021. PDA programs continue to be shared on the CARLI events calendar as well as announced via the CARLI Newsletter and email lists.
  • The CARLI Annual Meeting will be held via Zoom on November 10. The event will feature a keynote address by Emily Knox, Associate Professor and Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The final agenda will be released in early October. The Governing Directors Meeting will be held via Zoom on November 4.
  • The FY21 CARLI Ebook program ended on June 30. CARLI has purchased 3503 titles for perpetual access, with an additional 232 titles purchased by member libraries.
  • The member-funded FY22 Ebook program began on July 1, 2021. Through this program, all Governing members have access to ~23,000 titles from Wiley Online Books (all collections and all years) and to ~3,200 titles from Oxford University Press Ebooks (Subjects: Biology, History, Law, Music, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, Social Work, and Sociology from publication years 2018–June 2022.)
  • The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force is working with the University of Illinois iSchool to develop a Building Diversity Graduate Assistant opportunity.

Tasks Assigned

  • CARLI will work with Board volunteers Rebecca Donald and Shannon Pohrte to gather information and plan for a possible FY2024 ebook program.
  • CARLI will continue to work with the iSchool and the System Office to finalize details for CARLI’s Building Diversity Graduate Assistantship Opportunity.
  • CARLI will work with the DEI Task Force to establish applications processes for graduate students and libraries interested in participating in the Building Diversity Graduate Assistantship Opportunity.

Meeting Dates and Deadlines

  • 2021–2022 Board meetings
    • Friday, December 3, 2021 (via Zoom)
    • Friday, March 11, 2022 (in-person and via Zoom)
    • Friday, June 10, 2022 (in-person and via Zoom)
  • 2021–2022 Executive Committee meetings (via Zoom):
    • Monday, November 29, 2021 (Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 25)
    • Wednesday, March 2, 2022
    • Wednesday, June 1, 2022
  • 2021 Governing Directors Meeting (via Zoom):
    • Thursday, November 4
  • 2021 CARLI Annual Meeting (via Zoom)
    • Wednesday, November 10