Technical Services Committee – January 26, 2023

Attendance: Tammie Busch (co-chair) (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Susan Howell (co-chair) (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Brent Eckert (Rock Valley College), George Gottschalk (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Lauren Noel (Columbia College Chicago), Renata Schneider (DePaul University)

Members Absent: Jodi Craiglow (Trinity International University), Robin Mize (University of Illinois Springfield), Jackie Zook (Northeastern Illinois University) 

CARLI Staff Attending: Martin Kong, Jen Masciadrelli, Adrienne Radzvickas, Ted Schwitzner

Minutes Taker: Renata Schneider


CARLI Reports & Announcements:

CARLI is working on preparing eight new members to join I-Share. The majority of new members will undergo implementation in June 2024. Two libraries, the St. John’s College of Nursing and the Illinois College of Optometry, will be joining earlier, in June 2023. The Illinois College of Optometry is joining I-Share from stand-alone Alma. CARLI is also processing UIC’s acquisition of the John Marshall School of Law.  Brent knows of at least one other institution (Rockford University) that would be interested in joining, but finds it cost-prohibitive. Is there any way CARLI could help? Jen responded that the pricing received for and shared with institutions for this round of New I-Share libraries was after months of negotiation, and unfortunately their best and final offer was still too high for several interested institutions. CARLI did share this with Ex Libris.  .  

Illinois SCOERs Round 3 proposals are due February 28, 2023. This will be the final round of the Illinois SCOERs grants for the creation of open educational resources. More information is available from CARLI’s newsletter.

The E-Resources Management Committee is hosting another session on Alma Analytics and SUSHI on Thursday, February 16, 2023 - 10:00am to 11:30am. For more information.

Committee Member Announcements

    None reported

Continuing Business

  1. Review and Approval of December minutes:
    The minutes were approved without any corrections
  2. An update from CARLI on TSC’s Best Practices document:
    No update at this time. There will be an update during the February meeting.
  3. Reflect on OCLC Training from January 25, 2023:
    Twenty-three people attended the session, 10 fewer than registered. Jackie and Susan moderated. Susan could not connect to OCLC Connexion Client during the presentation and was unable to share examples on creating original records.

    Next presentation, led by Brent, is scheduled for February 22, 2023 2:00-3:30 pm and will focus on Authority Control. Tammie will monitor the chat. Tammie and Susan will put together a survey about future training and evaluation of the OCLC Connexion series.    

  4. Suggestions for a charge for an Ethical Cataloging Committee, Task Force, or Working Group
    Tammie did some research on reparative cataloging/metadata work, and compiled a document with her findings.

    She identified three organizations that could be a model for future CARLI efforts: Claremont Colleges Library, George Mason University (for the collaboration with archives), and the Orbis Cascade consortium (a good model of consortial collaboration and decision-making). 

    The main issue is gaining administrative support for any DEI metadata work, which might be problematic. We need to get a clear scope of the work involved. There also needs to be communication with other CARLI groups, such as public-facing groups and soliciting input from students, faculty, and other stakeholders in order to get wide buy-in. Also, an existing CARLI DEI working group focusing on CARLI strategic priorities would be a good candidate for collaboration.

    CARLI could devote one of its office hours to the topic.

    Ted pointed out that reparative cataloging work is currently being done at institutional level, and that effort could be continued. Libraries such as UIC, DePaul, Newberry, and others, have already started implementing local measures for subject headings remediation, local subject headings, etc.  

Other business

Sandboxes will be refreshed with new data on February 12, 2023.

Tasks Assigned

CARLI only. Jen will follow up internally about the Ethical Cataloging Committee.

Upcoming Important Dates

Next Connexion Client Training Q&A Series, Session 5 (Authority Control), Wednesday, February 22, 2003 2:00-3:30 pm

Next meeting: February 23, 2023 9:30 am-11:00 am Zoom Meeting/Call 

Meeting was adjourned at 3:27

Submitted by Renata Schneider