Zoom Meeting
Members attending: Tammie Busch (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Jodi Craiglow (Trinity International University), Kathryn Dauksza (Illinois State Library, co-chair), Brent Eckert (Rock Valley College), Susan Howell (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Megan Kelly (Newberry Library, co-chair), Renata Schneider (DePaul University), Christa Strickler (Wheaton College)
Members absent: Robin Mize (University of Illinois at Springfield), Sarah Holmes (Northern Illinois University)
CARLI Staff attending: Jen Masciadrelli, Ted Schwitzner, Adrienne Radzvickas
Guests: Marlee Graser (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville—Discovery Primo VE Task Force member liaison) and Cynthia Scott (North Central College—E-Resource Management Task Force member liaison)
CARLI Announcements
- Jen reported that Alma/Primo VE monthly Open Office Hours have been scheduled for second Thursday of every month and posted on the CARLI calendar through December 2022.
- Technical Services Q&A sessions take place fourth Thursday of each month. They have been posted through May 2022 and require pre-registration.
- Ted reported that the next open forum discussion (Thursday 1/27/2022) would be dedicated to duplicate records. Members are asked to think about possible issues and questions, and what to do to avoid duplicates. The issue of duplicates has been raised in the last office hours—the recording has been posted.
Member Announcements
Task Force Liaisons Reports & Announcements
- Cindy reported the E-Resource Management Task Force is preparing documentation on gathering usage statistics using SUSHI.
- Marlee reported that the Discovery Primo VE Task Force has been continuing its work and there are no new developments.
Continuing Business
- December 14, 2021 minutes were approved without amendments.
- Annual Projects – Subcommittee Reports
- The Ethical Cataloging Subcommittee has not met but Jen reported on the work CARLI had done for the Subcommittee.
Jen, Ted, and Jessica met in January and started applying potential workarounds for hiding/replacing offensive subject headings. There are five Alma sandboxes and each of them will have a different solution for the Ethical Cataloging Subcommittee to review before the next meeting.
- Jodi reported for the Best Practices Subcommittee. They have not met; the next meeting is Thursday, January 20, 2022. Work is ongoing on members’ survey on the OCLC Connexion usage. Poll questions have been posted in Box and feedback is requested.
- Based on survey responses workflows can be tailored to best suit CARLI members
- Other areas of focus include developing best practices for avoiding duplicates and updating best practices for work in Alma.
New Business
Tasks Assigned
The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 PM.
Next Meeting will be Tuesday, February 15, 2022, 1:00-2:30: Zoom Meeting/Call
Submitted by Renata Schneider.