Technical Services Committee Meeting — December 14, 2021

Zoom Meeting

Members attending: Tammie Busch (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Jodi Craiglow (Trinity International University), Kathryn Dauksza (committee co-chair) (Illinois State Library), Brent Eckert (Rock Valley College), Susan Howell (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Megan Kelly (committee co-chair) (Newberry Library), Robin Mize (University of Illinois at Springfield), Renata Schneider (DePaul University), Christa Strickler (Wheaton College)

Members absent: Sarah Holmes (Northern Illinois University), Christa Strickler (Wheaton College)

CARLI Staff attending: Jen Masciadrelli, Ted Schwitzner

Guests: Marlee Graser (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville—Discovery Primo VE Task Force member liaison) and Cynthia Scott (North Central College—E-Resource Management Task Force member liaison)


CARLI Announcements

  • Jen reported Alma/Primo VE Open Office Hours will be this Thursday at 2:00. Topic will be “Lab Reports” from I-Share colleagues: using Resource Recommender, adding a “report a problem” link to Primo VE, and Adding a new Library to Alma.
  • Ted reported CARLI, ExLibris, ProQuest, and the U of I legal and purchasing met and reached a tentative agreement regarding the title counts. We are waiting for it to be finalized in writing, but this takes the foot off the gas pedal for the title reduction clean-up. However, we do still want to continue to work towards documentation on how to deal with duplicate records, and best practices documentation for dealing with and avoiding creating duplicate records.
  • CARLI Board has announced I-Share sharing requests will not be available between Dec. 23rd and Jan. 2nd.
  • CARLI office will be closed Dec. 24th to Jan. 4th.
  • Jen reported we are still waiting for the finalized e-collection list from Wiley, but the titles are active. The Board approved another year of crowdsourcing ebook purchases from the same vendors.

Member Announcements

  • None

Task Force Liaisons Reports & Announcements

  • Cynthia reported one group of the E-Resource Management Task Force is still working on SUSHI and usage counts for the fiscal year. Jen reported the other group is working on recommendations for ERM functionality of Alma. They are working on guidelines on how to work through different types of resources and updates to share out. This is a workflow that is a constant in the ERM functionality of Alma.
  • Marlee reported that the Discovery Primo VE Task Force is focusing on testing local resource types in Alma. There are limitations on the number of resource types you can have. They are working on how to request resources types and who can request them. They will update the information on the CARLI website and make recommendations. They are also looking at local fields and what needs to be indexed or faceted.


Continuing Business

  • November 16, 2021 minutes were approved as amended.
  • Annual Projects – Subcommittee Reports
    • Jenn reported for the Authorities Subcommittee. After the release of the December Primo updates, CARLI did some testing on hiding offensive subject headings. You can suppress certain terms, but it is very literal and we would have to know all possible subdivisions. Testing is continuing in the sandbox following SUNY’s normalization rules. The subcommittee will evaluate the results. These normalization rules would have to be applied across the board to all CARLI members. Ted reported LC did make changes to the illegal alien headings. The authority records have been added to the community zone. How Alma does authority control needs to be researched and addressed. Megan reported the Discovery Primo VE Task Force’s work with the 386 field was also brought up. The display of the 386 is one issue, but when to use it is another issue that may need to possibly need to be considered by this subcommittee as well.
    • Tammie reported for the Best Practices Subcommittee. The subcommittee plans to start reviewing the documentation that has already been received and see if any of it can be combined. Then it will evaluate what is still needed. They are moving forward with a survey. They are going to delay working on documentation for avoiding duplicates until the documentation they have received has been reviewed and the survey has been completed.
    • Ted mentioned that CARLI continues to receive requests from member libraries for recommendations on how to handle duplicate records and improper merges. He noted that there are different perceptions of what catalogers mean by "duplicates." He advised that there may be some open discussions in January on duplicate records, as the IHLS staff will begin working on duplicate bibs soon, and he hopes the Committee will help moderate these discussions.

New Business

  • None

Tasks Assigned

  • To all: Consider what our “product” should be for each of the subcommittees.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:52 PM.

Next Meeting Tuesday, January 18, 1:00-2:30: Zoom Meeting/Call 

Submitted by Susan Howell.