Technical Services Committee Meeting — September 21, 2021

Zoom Meeting

Members attending: Tammie Busch (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Jodi Craiglow (Trinity International University), Kathryn Dauksza (Illinois State Library, co-chair), Brent Eckert (Rock Valley College), Susan Howell (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Megan Kelly (Newberry Library, co-chair), Robin Mize (University of Illinois at Springfield), Renata Schneider (DePaul University), Christa Strickler (Wheaton College)

Members absent: Sarah Holmes (Northern Illinois University)

CARLI Staff attending: Jen Masciadrelli, Ted Schwitzner

Guests: Marlee Graser (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville—Discovery Primo VE Task Force member liaison) and Cynthia Scott (North Central College—E-Resource Management Task Force member liaison)


CARLI Announcements

  • Jen indicated that CARLI has begun working with the contract workers on the Title Count Reduction Project. This project will be Ted’s primary focus. The contract workers are IHLS people working under CARLI to help get rid of the duplicate titles.
  • Jen also shared that registration for Tech Services Q & A is open again through next May (with December skipped). The URL to register is: Registration is also open for the annual CARLI meeting which will be held online on 11/10/21 and can be found on the CARLI calendar.

Member Announcements

  • Kathy indicated that Sarah Holmes will be unable to attend meeting for some time, but Megan Kelly will be stepping in as temporary co-chair.
  • Jen (reporting for the E-Resource Task Force) indicated that the Task Force met last week and decided to split into two sub-committees: analytics and workflows. They may want to connect with the Discovery Primo VE Task Force on analytics and with our committee on workflows, as there could be overlap. The first workflow they are looking at is the CZ update tool.
  • Marlee (reporting for the Discovery Primo VE Task Force) indicated that they have a working document which includes the I-Share Union View, bX Article Recommender, work on testing JavaScript that will hide the I-Share link when a library does not have holdings, local resource type in Primo VE, and analytics. If you have any suggestions or thoughts on these, please let Marlee know. Additionally, if you are having issues with deduplication and/or FRBRization, let her know that as well.


Continuing Business

  • August 17, 2021 minutes were approved.
  • Presentation of FY21 TSC accomplishments at CARLI Annual Meeting
    • Jen indicated this is optional, but does need to be a Zoom recording since the meeting is virtual.
    • Megan asked Jen to let her know if other committees are presenting.
    • Ted indicated that Margaret Chambers has asked to be notified by October 1st if a committee is presenting.
  • Annual Projects
    • Our main project will be requesting and compiling best practices documentation from other CARLI libraries to be made available in a repository.
    • Secondary projects will include:
      • Authority control project related to ethical cataloging (Authority Control/Guidelines for Ethical Cataloging). Renata Schneider will chair this group with Susan Howell, Christa Strickler, and Megan Kelly as members.
      • Best practices document for avoiding the creation of duplicate records (Best Practices for Record Selection and Import). Jodi Craiglow and Tammie Busch will co-chair this group with Kathy Dauksza, Robin Mize, and Brent Eckert as members.
      • Ted can help with setting up Doodle polls for group meetings.

New Business

  • Megan inquired with Ted about the impact of the deduplication process for libraries with IZ collections. Ted indicated the first focus will be electronic collections. Jen indicated that work will not begin without contacting the library first.
  • Ted indicated the work of the Best Practices for Record Selection and Import Group should focus on selecting the right records and creating a single record policy. We do not want non-WorldCat record in the NZ. We should also review the existing cataloging policies and guidelines to ensure they are strong enough and accurate.


  • Two committees will be formed:
    • Authority Control/Guidelines for Ethical Cataloging
    • Best Practices for Record Selection and Import

Tasks Assigned

  • Megan will send to the group a draft email calling for local Alma workflow documentation.
  • Megan and Kathy will consider whether or not to put together a presentation for the CARLI Annual Meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:50 PM.

Next Meeting Tuesday, October 19, 1:00-2:30: Zoom Meeting/Call 

Submitted by Tammie Busch.