Technical Services Committee Meeting: March 12, 2014


Members attending:  Jim Edstrom, Lynn Fields, Lauren Noel, Dallas Long, John Whisler, Elizabeth Cribbs, Deborah Morris, Kavita Mundle, and Mary Tatro.

Members absent:  Tonya Webb

Staff attending:  Jen Masciadrelli, Nicole Swanson, Ted Schwitzner.


  • February 12thminutes approved with one correction, Lori Murphy was added as a guest attending the meeting.
  • RDA Best Practices document approved.



  • RDA Best Practices document formatting was discussed.
  • Spring forum:  Elizabeth inquired about the availability of internet access at UIS for presenters
  • IACRL PreConference: group is following up with Michael Norman on the UIUC portion of the presentation.
  • The PDA/DDA forum: no further updates at this time.
  • White paper updates. Minutes were shared from the white paper subcommittee conference call. Jim will write the introduction and conclusion. Lauren and Dallas will write the How to begin a PDA/DDA project section, Kavita and Lynn will write both the Nuts and bolts of setting up the DDA/PDA section and the Sustainability sections. The subcommittee plans to share the completed paper in time for the May 14th committee meeting.
  • Workflow Sharing Blind progress- The blind is now visible on the Cataloging page of the CARLI website. John’s “Working with the Discard File” has been added.
  • Jen inquired about the best time to upgrade to Voyager 9 for Acquisitions and what CARLI can do to help

Tasks Assigned:

  • White paper subcommittee- share final draft with committee for May 14th meeting.
  • Jen- check with UIS on internet access
  • Nicole- follow up on UIUC’s portion of Tech Services assessment