Technical Services Committee Meeting: October 4, 2017

Conference Call

Members attending:

Jessica Grzegorski (Newberry Library); Mary Konkel (College of DuPage); Joelen Pastva (Northwestern University); Adrienne Radzvickas (Lincoln College); Nicole Ream-Sotomayor (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Sandy Roe (Illinois State University); Cynthia Romanowski (chair, Governors State University); Chris Schmit (National-Louis University) 

Members absent:

Gayle Porter (Chicago State University)

CARLI staff attending:

Jen Masciadrelli; Nicole Swanson


Committee member announcements:

  • ISU plans to have a head of cataloging & acquisitions position posted next month. 
  • GSU expects to post a paraprofessional cataloging / acquisitions position soon.

CARLI announcements:

  • Registration for the CARLI Annual meeting on Nov. 17 is open; agenda is up; registration closes Nov. 9; Committee reports will be given in the morning with discussion to follow (Mary & Joelen will be presenting ours).  
  • Mary Burke, CARLI e-resources staff person retired last Friday, Sept. 29.  
  • Google's open font family Noto Sans (no tofu; tofu = little blank boxes that appear when the font can’t render a character) is being tested with Voyager clients.  MS Office 2016- no longer includes the Arial UNICODE and so an alternative font is needed.  


  • September minutes were approved.
  • The annual project will consist of three mini webinars: A comparison between VuFind 0.6 and VuFind 3, Optimizing data, and LC genre/form terms.


  • The one-page summary of the committee’s 2016/2017 annual project written by Mary K. and Joelen has been submitted to CARLI.  
  • MeSH changes to subdivision use – see memo sent to OCLC-Cataloging from by Diane Boehr, National Library of Medicine, on 9-25-2017.
  • Annual Project – VuFind mini webinars 
    • No new ideas were presented from the survey shared with the Public Services and SFX Committees for the questions: 
      1. Comparison between VuFind 0.6 and VuFind 3: Would a general overview webinar on the difference between VuFind 0.6 and VuFind 3 be helpful? 
      2. Optimizing data: Do you have trouble finding non-print materials (ebooks, streaming videos, music, 3D models, games, or other formats) in VuFind?
      3. LC Genre/Form Terms: Do you currently use the Genre facet in VuFind? If so, what is your experience (pros/cons)? Overall:    
      4. Are there any other areas in VuFind that you consistently struggle with?
    • Elizabeth Clarage joined the call and reported that there was interest in the Public Services Committee about the project. In their meeting this past Monday, they didn’t go over the questions we sent but there seemed to be some nods in the room that the answer to #1 would be helpful because they weren’t familiar with the differences.  They would be willing to vet our draft slides and notes before they are recorded. 
    • Mini webinars are preferred, 5-20 minutes.
  • A Box folder was created with the three topics: Comparison between VuFind 0.6 and New Vufind, Optimizing data, and LC genre/form terms.  Each folder starts with just an outline – with people brainstorming on the start.  Put your names on the ones you are interested in before Oct. 14.  You can work on one or provide input on more than one.  
  • Whether or not the Committee will do a Spring forum was discussed. This seems unlikely unless we partner again.

Tasks assigned 

Cynthia will draft a description of our annual project for the coming year for Jen/Nicole to submit to Anne Craig.  

Meeting dates and deadlines::

Next meeting: November 1, 2017 at 10:00-11:30 AM

Meeting adjourned at 11:15am

Respectfully submitted,
Sandy Roe