SFX System Committee Minutes: 01/09/2019


Members attending: Stephanie Baker, Katrina Bromann, Laurie Sauer, Erika Wade Smith, Suzanne Wilson, Lisa Wallis
Absent: Andrea Imre
Present from CARLI: Denise Green

Tasks Assigned & Decisions:

Laurie Sauer will take today’s minutes.
December meeting minutes were approved without corrections.


Erika announced that Steve Brantley, Geoff Pettys have officially resigned from the committee.

CARLI Update

a.    Next Quarterly Conference Call: Jan. 14th 11 am, Autoloading. Denise reports that two libraries have activated autoloading as a result of the announcement about the call.
b.    Denise’s suggestion for Spring open conference call: on one of “Getting Ready for Alma/ I-Share Next” ideas? No consensus on this topic.
c.    Denise will be at the Chicago SFX meet up-training: Thursday Jan. 17 at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT).
d.    Other events: see https://www.carli.illinois.edu/calendar. CARLI Commercial Products Committee is planning a symposium on March 26, 2019 in Champaign focusing on two emerging issues in e-resources: streaming video and usage statistics.

Discussion items:

A. Annual project: Getting Ready for I-Share Next.
1. A web lesson on how to export a list of currently active SFX targets/collections is complete and posted on the CARLI web site. Denise will publicize this soon.
2. Reviewing what overlaps in local SFX instances with the Shared instance:
  i. How to deduplicate your local instance
  ii. Checklist or flow chart to decide what to keep active in local that’s also active in shared. Possibly different checklists for CARLI subsidized and for free/Open Access. See next item for discussion.

3. Reviewing the free and Open Access targets in shared instance. Denise sent out the document she is working on to three other libraries for comment and is waiting for feedback. Committee should review free and Open Access targets for migration to Alma’s “network zone”. Are all targets meeting current criteria for inclusion? Is there overlap between multiple collections? Committee will evaluate the targets based on existing criteria (https://www.carli.illinois.edu/free-and-open-access-targets-sfx). Denise and Erika will put together a rubric to help document this (will consult with Andrea too) and committee members will evaluate the free and Open Access targets based on the rubric.
4. Usage Statistics:
  a. Which ones are worth the effort to export and retain before transition to new system. Denise: No progress to report since last meeting. Denise is working on definitions of the stats.
5. Start a Web page for recommended reading/viewing? Erika and Denise have been working on this. Not posted publicly yet, but will be when migration timeline becomes public. Ex Libris has online training materials (no login required); Denise will send the committee links to these for review, for example.

Alma Glossary
B. In person meeting discussion. Discussed possibility of meeting this spring; planning tabled—awaiting more info on migration timeline.

C. Next meeting date: Feb. 6, 10:00AM,
D. Adjourn.