SFX System Committee Minutes: 10/03/2018


Members attending: Stephanie Baker, Katrina Bromann, Geoff Pettys, Laurie Sauer, Erika Wade Smith, Suzanne Wilson

Members absent: Steve Brantley, Andrea Imre, Lisa Wallis

CARLI Staff attending: Denise Green.


CARLI Update

a. Denise recorded a lesson on Google Scholar for the October 4 Open Conference call, and re-recorded the lesson after feedback from the committee.

b. SFX Test re-fresh was done Sept. 11.

c. New strategic planning documents are available at https://www.carli.illinois.edu/about/priorities. Part of CARLI 2020 strategic plan, these are now more official and available on CARLI website. There will be more documents forthcoming that are more specific .
Springer Autoload --- last SFX weekly update featured release of Springer upload for ebooks and ejournals.  Two libraries are testing it out, Lisa at NIU and Andrea at SIUC, and hopefully will be giving feedback on how accurate it was. If anyone else is interested in trying this, you can ask Denise. Might be good topic for future open conference call .


Annual project will be investigating data clean up and extraction in preparation for I-Share Next.

Tasks Assigned:

1. Minutes taken by Katrina Bromann (in place of Steve Brantley who was absent)
2. Review one page document by October 10th – All.
3. Review decision making process for collections to keep active in local instance – Denise, Erika, Andrea
4. Explore decision making process for Free/OA targets – Denise, Geoff, Katrina
5. Explore data stats for usage to retain from current system – Denise, Laurie


1. Declined presentation at CARLI Annual Meeting—Erika reported that she and Andrea discussed the option of presenting at the annual meeting but that our one page document seemed comprehensive and sufficient and did not lend itself to an in-person presentation. There will be no formal SFX committee meeting during the annual meeting; an in person meeting might be early next year.

2. One page document due Monday Oct. 22. Comments requested from committee by October 10th.  

3. Annual project deliverable ideas – planning and discussion
    a. Denise has been reading about migrating link resolvers and open URL services, in addition to reading specific SFX documentation about switching services.  She has also helped some colleges stop using SFX and begin using other products such as the EBSCO Discovery service.  She broke our project into two potential areas: Part 1, reflections and possible study topics and Part 2, documentation and how-to presentations. 

   i. Erika volunteered to help review which collections to keep active in the local instance, how to find out which overlap with shared instance, how to deduplicate, and possibly create a checklist based on usage data or other factors as to why you might keep targets active in local instance. Will also ask Andrea to assist.
  ii. Geoff has background in studying predatory publishing, will assist with making flow chart or checklist for decision making process for Free/OA resources.  Katrina will review.  
  iii. Laurie asked if there are any usages statistics which might be worth retaining from SFX before transition to new system.  She and Denise will explore.
  iv. All should continue exploring exporting list of currently active collections.

4. Laurie asked about the Unpaywall Target, which used to be known as the Open Access DOI.  It is a target active in the shared instance, and is a lookup tool that is supposed to look for a DOI in a free resource only if one is not available fulltext in your SFX.  Query #7 Clickthroughs Per Target will show you usage stats on the Unpaywall Target.  We will discuss this further at our next meeting.  

Next meeting:
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 10 a.m.  In person meeting: TBA.
Meeting adjourned at 10:58 a.m.