CARLI SFX System Committee Meeting: 11/22/2016



Karen Gallacci, Andrea Imre, Lauren Jackson-Beck, Max King, Jeff Matlak,  Peter Tubbs,   CARLI Staff: Mary Burkee, Denise Green. 


CARLI Update- Denise: no official updates. No budget news. I-share next still in process. No SFX update yet but maybe in December. Mary: Mathscinet ready to be approved.

Discussion items:

  • Minutes approved from October 26th.
  • Open conference call discussion.  Tuesday, January 17th, 1-2:30pm? Decided too close to first day of school. Set Jan. 12 new date. Same time.
  • Adobe Connect to record Open Conference Call. Peter has experience. Denise says Easy to record. Put in announcement of call. Denise will edit before releasing.  Add to CARLI YouTube collection. Do we want to keep? Peter volunteers to create MP4 if necessary. CARLI will do as they have staff. Discussion about whether to keep. Jeff suggests it as a help video. Peter suggests we keep it in Adobe Connect format. Denise will check if this is possible. Max does not want to add to CARLI staff load.   Topic: Initial suggestion is mobile interfaces
  • Any alternative ideas? Andrea asks who is an expert? Discussion on what will be talked about. How do you monitor usage? Denise will check on library apps, Minerva. Peter and max will look at options. Denise will talk to Gordon Fellows about usage. Denise mentions literature on topic. Peter notes user experience design as our focus for this year.
  • CARLI Annual Meeting recap.Max gave overview of meeting. Denise said planning exercise has link for comments for CARLI strategic planning.
  • Open Access DOI – Bringing more green and gold OA full text to SFX (Andrea). To link to article level? Hybrid journals issue. Open url linking always an issue. No way to make one article available. Inga at Max Planck in Munich. Issues but it works for Andrea. 77 clickthroughs for Target. Andrea offers to provide more information. Andrea will provide info.  Denise shared target will look at it. Max suggests we all look at the information in email.
  • FY17 Deliverable

i.    How to activate collections: target choice  Lauren, Peter
ii.   Display/interface options:   Andrea, Cynthia
iii.  Mobile options:   Max, Peter
iv.  Individual subscriptions activations:   Lauren, Karen
v.   Interlibrary loan options:  Andy, Cynthia
vi.  Documenting decisions and “how to” for successors: Karen, Lisa
vii.  Reporting/fixing mistakes in Knowledge Base:  Jeff, Andy
viii. Usage stats:  Jeff, Andy
ix.   Deliverable deadline is May 2017
x.    Find and consider existing documentation for your topic

Please share google docs is asked. Max will make certain it is. Karen did put something up but Lauren could not access. Max will make certain it is shared.  Max asks for us to get cracking on it. At least get in touch with partners. Goal for December look at existing documentation on CARLI web site. Peter started google docs on it.

Adjourned 10:45 AM