Resource Sharing Committee Meeting: November 15, 2017

Conference Call started 10:00 a.m.
Members attending: Belinda Cheek (North Central College); Eric Edwards (Illinois State Library); Kelly Fisher (Eureka College); Rand Hartsell (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Lisa Horsley (Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum); Thomas Mantzakides (Morton College); Sarah McHone-Chase (Northern Illinois University); Amanda Roberts (University of Illinois Springfield); Jennifer Stegen (Loyola University)
Members absent: None
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels      


Approve Minutes from October 18, 2017 meeting


  • CARLI Updates
    • Four new I-Share libraries proceeding toward March/April “go live” date
      • Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library (ALP)
      • McHenry County College (MHC)
      • Moody Bible Institute (MBI)
      • Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies (SCJ)
    • CARLI Annual meeting is Nov. 17
    • Stay tuned for more info on instruction webinar, in conjunction with NIU Faculty Development Comm.
  • Listserv Topics
    • Received six responses from last question
    • Discussion about question, "Patron issues with finding ID number to create an account"
      • Debbie shared that VuFind wording on the account creation/login page is customizable. Libraries can also include images to show patrons exactly where to find the barcode number on their card.
    • Proposed December listserv question: Does your library adjust or reduce its interlibrary loan services on days it is open around breaks or other holidays? What about during the summer? Is the adjustment or reduction in services due to the number of hours the library is open, the number of trained staff available, or another reason?
      • Jen will draft/send in late November/early December
    • The committee will add ideas to the Google Doc for future topics.
  • Annual Project (loose timeline)
    • Ways in which ILL usage influences collection development policies and practices in CARLI libraries.
      • Thomas was contacted by Gretchen on the Col Dev Committee about annual project topic.
    • Annotated Bibliography:
      • 34 articles on our annotated bibliography list, no need to add more
      • Every committee member will choose 3 to review – add name to the ones you have chosen
      • Add link or put pdf of article in box
      • Reviews are due by January meeting
    • Survey Questions:
      • Debbie will rhave the Collection Development Committee review to make sure we aren’t over-stepping
      • Margaret at CARLI will review before the survey is sent out
      • Survey will be sent out early next year
  • Webinars
    • Kevin O’Brien webinar
      • Slides are posted, recording is forthcoming
      • Sending out feedback forms to registrants was discussed but not decided
    • The possibility of a future webinar was discussed, most likely would be in the Spring.
      • Andy Meyer from North Park University had expressed interest in doing a webinar about using Voyager reporting to checking of library policies/statistics. Debbie will reach out to him to see if he is still interested.
  • CARLI Annual Meeting – Nov 17
    • Eric is presenting last year’s project, thanks to Debbie and Lorna in assisting with the PowerPoint slides.
  • Possible In Person Forum
    • Start brainstorming on topics
    • Lisa will check to see if there are any blacked out dates next Fall for hosting the forum at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
      • Start soliciting proposals for keynote and breakout sessions, start lining up speakers in the Spring for an in person forum next Fall
      • Possibility of one keynote topic and varied topics for a wider focus
      • Send out a “save the date” shortly to help with travel coordination
      • Haven’t done an in person forum since 2013, lately it’s been webinars and open house.

Tasks Assigned:

  • Jen will draft/send email list discussion question in late November/early December.
  • All Committee members should choose 3 articles from the annotated bibliography to annotate.
  • Debbie will contact Andy Meyer at NPU to see if he is interested in presenting a webinar.
  • Lisa will check dates at APL for in person forum.

Meeting Dates & Deadlines:

  • Future Meeting Dates (3rd Wednesday of the Month, 10:00-11:30 via teleconference)
    • **Note date and time change for December’s meeting**
    • December 13 (10-11) - Thomas Mantzakides, Minutes
    • January 17 - Sarah McHone-Chase, Minutes
    • February 21 - Amanda Roberts, Minutes