Preservation Working Group Meeting: December 12, 2011


Members Present: Bonnie Parr, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library; David Bell, Eastern Illinois University; Julie Mosbo, chair, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Katie Risseeuw, Northwestern University; Rob DeLand, VanderCook College of Music; Ross Griffiths, Illinois State University

Member Absent: Cason Snow, Northern Illinois University

Staff present: Elizabeth Clarage

Recorder: Ross Griffiths

Approval of October Minutes

Newsletter Article

David Bell will submit CARLI article, next Monday (12/19). He will email to group for review.

The current schedule will be pushed back one month. To accommodate Preservation Week, Julie will write an article for the March newsletter, Bonnie will write for April Newsletter, and Katie will write for May.

Preservation Webliography

Bonnie made a suggestion to add a link for book repair. The group will check link under “possible links” section on wiki and send comments to Julie before 12/19/2011.

Spring Workshop

Julie M. will call Gaylord for supply donations.

Julie will email Andrew Huot (ISU) with a supply list and he will contact University Products ASAP.

We will obtain supply donations before we submit paperwork to CARLI.

Disaster Workshops

ICPN (Illinois Collections Preservation Network, will be conducting a series of disaster recovery workshops across the state. Julie has contacted them inquiring about whether CARLI could be involved. The Preservation Working Group has the opportunity to be a cosponsor, contributing mainly to program publicity efforts.

Bonnie will submit ICPN co-sponsorship proposal to Elizabeth for CARLI by Monday 12/19.

Digital Preservation Working Group Updates

iHotel program will be happening April 10 .

They are considering a proposal to produce a webinar on email preservation.

Adjourned 9:21.