Public Services Committee Minutes: March 5, 2018

Conference Call

Members Attending: Rachel Bicicchi (Millikin University); Marissa Ellermann (Southern Illinois University Carbondale); Susan Franzen, co-chair (Illinois State University); Aaron Harwig (College of DuPage); Joanna Kolendo (Chicago State University); Nester Osorio (Northern Illinois University); Cory Stevens, co-chair (Lake Forest College); Nancy Weichert (University of Illinois at Springfield)

Member Absent: Anne-Marie Green (Kishwaukee College)

CARLI Staff Attending: Denise Green
CARLI Staff Absent: Elizabeth Clarage


  • CARLI Announcements:
    • There are many events coming up.  The week of March 5 is Open Education Week, and CARLI is offering two webinars on March 6: Copyright Q&A with Sara Benson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and Faculty Experiences on Teaching with OER (co-sponsored by The Louisiana Library Network (LOUIS) and CARLI.  
    • Senior Directory of CARLI Anne Craig is continuing her listening tour and will be visiting Northern Illinois University, Illinois Wesleyan University, Rush University in March and April.
    • I-Share Next Task Force: no announcements.
  • Member library announcements:
    • Spring breaks at several member institutions begin next week.
    • Millikin University: The week of March 19 is official grand opening of their new building and will be celebrated with events, exhibits, and fanfare.
    • Northern Illinois University: Dean of Libraries Fred Barnhart has initiated an “exploratory project” review of the library. Teams of library staff are working on outlining strengths and weaknesses in order to develop a campus-wide survey to assess the library and its functions across campus, to be conducted in late March-early April.
    • Illinois State University: The University has announced that Jan M. Murphy has been named Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost.  Dr. Murphy previously served as Interim Provost.


  • Open Houses:
    • Please take photos at the open houses.
    • March 15 Open House at Millikin University is all set. 57 people have registered. Committee members Rachel Bicicchi, Susan Franzen, Aaron Harwig, Joanna Kolendo, and Nancy Weichert are attending. 24 different CARLI member colleges and universities have registered for the Open House, and nearby institutions Principia College and University of Illinois at Springfield will be attending in groups.
    • April 6 Open House at University of St. Francis has opened for registration. So far, 20 people have registered. Chicago-area institutions that aren’t going to Milliken University’s Open House are registering for this one. Committee member Nancy Weichert will be a speaker at that event, and will discuss University of Illinois at Springfield’s Beta Desk planning process. CARLI will continue to promote this event. Most planning details for the Open House are complete.
  • Annual Project:
    • A webpage (not yet public) is taking shape and includes locations, links to documents and presentations.
    • Committee members have been adding items to Google docs bibliography on single service points.


  • February 2018 minutes were approved.
  • Meeting date for April meeting changed to April 2, 2018.

Task Assigned

  • Cory took minutes.
  • Cory will make first pass at the annual project’s Google doc bibliography to group entries into categories and put citations into a uniform style.

Next Meeting

The next Public Services Committee meeting will take place Monday, April 2, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm (conference call).