Conference Call
Members attending: Raeann Dossett (Parkland College); Marissa Ellermann (Southern Illinois University Carbondale); Anne-Marie Eggleston Green (Kishwaukee College); Susan Franzen, (Illinois State University), co-chair; Joanna Kolendo (Chicago State University); Colleen Shaw (Heartland Community College); Cory Stevens (Lake Forest College), co-chair; Richard Stokes (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Julia Venetis (Elmhurst College)
Members absent: None
CARLI staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage; Denise Green
Guests: Susan Singleton (outgoing Executive Director, CARLI); Anne Craig (incoming Senior Director, CARLI)
- Elmhurst College has a new president, Troy VanAken.
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has a new chancellor, Robert Jones.
- Susan Singleton provided a brief CARLI update: CARLI was able to appoint a new Senior Director, Anne Craig (formerly Director of the State Library) despite a University of Illinois hiring freeze. The CARLI budget is still in limbo and planning ahead is very difficult in the current climate. One of the ways this relates to committees is that for now meetings will be held over the phone rather than face-to-face; many libraries have travel restrictions at present. The CARLI budget does allow for open houses, workshops, forums, etc. but there is a hold on any big events (e.g. national speakers). She recommended using CARLI annual meeting to present last year’s well-received Public Services Committee project.
- Anne Craig thanked committee members for their participation and acknowledged Susan Singleton’s contributions.
- The Public Services Committee voted to continue maintaining its FY2016 Productivity Tools List (, and will update it twice a year (October and April). In September, the committee will decide who will do which portion of the update.
- The Public Services Committee will hold its meetings on the third Thursday of each month at 1:30-3:00pm whenever possible.
- The Committee will rotate minutes among members alphabetically by last name.
- The meeting was adjourned at 2:30pm.
Tasks Assigned
- Sue Franzen will draft newsletter article publicizing Productivity Tools List (“toolkit”) and will send to committee by mid-August to make end of August newsletter.
- Raeann Dossett will take minutes at next meeting.
- For August meeting: members should bring ideas for Open Houses; snippet options in Adobe Connect for some toolkit items.
- During September meeting: individual assignments for updating the toolkit will be made.
- Denise/Elizabeth will create a poll for which day works best for the committee’s August meeting.
- Denise/Elizabeth will confirm with CARLI staff if other recording software for short toolkit presentations will work with the CARLI website.
- Denise Green covered group communications:
- Committee email list:
- Minutes
- Accessing the Public Services Committee group space:
- First, log in at:
- Then,
- (available as a pull-down under the User Account tab or hyperlink on the login window)
- CARLI Public Services Interest Group: (Public Email List for topics for Public Services)
- CARLI Announce list
- CARLI newsletter
- Sue Franzen highlighted last year’s activities (Annual Report)
- Productivity Tools List discussion
- Current items on list will be updated twice a year (October and April)
- Committee members may need to send requests for changes or additions to
- List is a non-exhaustive list of factual information of tools used by libraries, does not include reviews
- Annual Project and Open Houses discussion:
- CARLI Board asks that committees’ annual projects be educational and of use to the membership.
- The committee thought that like last year, the idea of possibly tying Open Houses to the group’s Annual Project. There is CARLI support for Open Houses available.
- Will look into possibility of augmenting Productivity Tools list with links to short (5-10 minute) presentations, most likely using Adobe Connect through CARLI, starting with last year’s Open House presentations
- Goal to have Open Houses take place in different areas of the state to make travel easier and more affordable for member libraries.
Next meeting
Thursday, August 11, 2016, 1:30-3:00pm
+1 217 332 6338
+1 312 994 8410
+1 888 983 3631
Conference ID: 96572472