Open Educational Resources Committee Meeting: September 16, 2021

Zoom / Conference Call

Members attending: Amber Burtis (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Denise Cote (College of DuPage), Catherine Galarza-Espino (Morton College), Kim Hale (Columbia College Chicago), Dan Matthews, co-chair (Moraine Valley Community College), Chris Sweet, co-chair (Illinois Wesleyan University), Tamara Townsend (City Colleges of Chicago)

Members absent: Christina Norton (Bradley University), Tineka Scalzo (City Colleges of Chicago), Janet Swatscheno (University of Illinois Chicago)

CARLI Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Anne Craig, Nicole Swanson

Board Liaisons: Karen Janke (Erikson Institute), Jacob Jeremiah (Oakton Community College)


  • Committee decided to offer the OER Virtual Course: Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources:
    • December 1, 8, 15 (time to be determined – that would fit into instructors’ schedules)
    • December 2, 9, 16 (time to be determined – that would fit into instructors’ schedules)
    • February dates to be determined from instructors’ availability for the weeks of February 7, 14, and 21
    • May dates to be determined from instructors’ availability for the weeks of May 16, 23, 30
  • Committee decided to offer the OER Faculty Workshop: Supporting Academic Success: Open Educational Resources and Affordable Course Materials
    • January 2022 – last week of the month (specific day/time to be determined)
    • February 2022 – last week of the month (specific day/time to be determined)
    • March 2022 – last week of the month (specific day/time to be determined)

Tasks Assigned

  • Minutes taken by Amber Burtis and Chris Sweet.
  • Elizabeth and Nicole will confirm instructors for the OER Virtual Course and the OER Faculty Workshop from current and previous members of the CARLI OER Committee and those that CARLI sponsored for the OEN Certificate in OER Librarianship program.


  • Member Announcements:
    • Kim (Columbia): She has set a deadline of October 1 to put the OER committee together at her institution.
    • Chris (IWU): He just awarded a round of OER grants to faculty on his campus. Awardees will have to do panel presentations during Open Access Week.
  • CARLI Announcements:
    • Nicole announced upcoming PDA events relevant to OER. Denise asked if teaching faculty can register, and Anne Craig (CARLI) said that was fine as CARLI has a 300 attendee limit.  


  • Brainstorming Committee Activities:
    • Denise talked about developing peer groups across the state for faculty members developing OER in specific disciplines which could feed into the grant proposals/process.
    • Dan suggested doing mapping across state of what is being offered. Asked if there is a state-wide OER services list.
    • Denise talked about the ICCB/IBHE survey to college presidents: no two institutions calculate student savings in the same way. She is working on an OER mini-summit. Going to invite the 150 individuals that responded for a 2-3 day meeting to work on how to calculate this in the same way across the board.
    • Elizabeth talked about collecting materials that this group’s members are using for OER promotion to share with CARLI members.
    • Kim suggested sample elevator speeches, talking points.
    • Dan asked if there was a plan to include information about the Open Illinois Hub in the trifold.
    • OER Commons
      • Denise suggested an add-athon to add content to the Open Illinois Hub.
      • Dan suggested doing programming for getting people comfortable with the Hub.
      • Elizabeth said that institutions can add re-mixed materials or materials they’ve adopted for their campus. Doesn’t have to be OER that they’ve created.
  • Continuing Education
    • Tamara’s Gameshow:
      • Tamara remixed a gameshow from U of I Gameshow on Fair Use and used it during faculty development week. Faculty said they feel overwhelmed by building their own OER. Has increased engagement with faculty and more feedback than previous efforts. Shared with the committee on Box.(
      • It was a 45-minute program which included time for questions.
      • Chris suggested adding it into our OER Faculty Workshop.
    • Scheduling OER professional development:
      • Elizabeth suggested that we could invite previous members of this committee or previous members of the OEN Certificate in OER Librarianship program to be instructors or present.
      • Denise said that her institution could offer “bigger names” an honorarium to present. Would like to do it state-wide rather than just College of DuPage.
      • Dan said we could continue with the CARLI OER Course, OER Faculty Workshop.
      • A workshop pertaining to open homework systems was suggested.
    • CARLI Librarian-focused OER Course:
      • December 1, 8, 15 (time to be determined – that would fit into instructors’ schedules)
      • December 2, 9, 16 (time to be determined – that would fit into instructors’ schedules)
      • Denise, Chris, Dan, and Kim committed to teaching during the December courses.
      • February dates to be determined from instructors’ availability for the weeks of February 7, 14, and 21
      • May dates to be determined from instructors’ availability for the weeks of May 16, 23, 30
    • CARLI OER Faculty Workshop:
      • January 2022 – last week of the month (specific day/time to be determined)
      • February 2022 – last week of the month (specific day/time to be determined)
      • March 2022 – last week of the month (specific day/time to be determined)
    • Other ideas for continuing education included sessions on open homework systems example My Open Math, what is: OpenStax, LibreTexts, how to have print versions of an open textbook, and OER 201 sessions.
  • Professional Development Alliance:
    • March 8th & 15th, CARLI will offer a 2-part Open Pedagogy Series presented by Will Cross.
    • We have an opportunity to join a PDA panel focused on OER initiatives across multiple states. This could focus on state-wide initiatives or success stories from individual institutions.
    • A future PDA event could feature a presentation from the CARLI Counts, cohort 3 group that is working on OER.
  • OER Open Office Hours:
    • The committee decided that we did want to host more iterations of the OER Open Office Hour sessions. We will decide on dates, topics, and facilitators at a later time.
  • Illinois SCOERs updates (CARLI)
    • CARLI has concluded interviews for the grant coordinator position. The Sub-grant Committee has met twice to review the sub-grant application. CARLI has applied for a State Grant for 3D printers and consumables.
  • Open Illinois – OER Commons Hub Update
    • CARLI will be announcing the official launch of Open Illinois to the CARLI Board of Directors at its meeting tomorrow. Thanks to Dan and Anne Chernaik for their work with CARLI staff to establish our Hub. Information will go out to members in an upcoming newsletter. OER Commons training will also be coming up.

Next Meeting Dates and Deadlines

The next committee meeting is October 21, 2021 at 1:00PM.