Attendees: Denise Green, Alex Deeke, Heather Koompmans, Joanna Kolendo, Abby Mann, Alex O’Keefe, Rebecca Starkey, Claire Reinert, Fi Rismiller
Minutes taken by: Fi Rismiller
Staff attending: Denise Green, Debbie Campbell
- Check-in & Welcome: (co-chairs)
- What’s your favorite class to teach?
- CARLI News and Updates (Debbie Campbell & Denise Green)
- CARLI Calendar: A lot of events are coming up. All events are listed on the CARLI calendar. Events will slow down mid to end of December.
- CARLI annual meeting news: there are 8 new I-share libraries.
- Reflection: Quiet Quitting Discussion
- A lot of attendees. Discussion questions were helpful.
- We could think about ways of managing an active chat and working document. The document was really helpful for sharing after the meeting. Especially since the session was not recorded. Denise added information about the number of attendees on the document. Here’s the document link.
- Action Item Check-in (co-chairs)
- December event - article discussion, it’ll be on December 9th
- Planning document
- Discussion of poll results for selecting an article for the event:
- The article that’s rising to the top in the poll is “You Only Get One Shot: Critically Exploring and Reimagining the One-Shot Instruction Model”
- The consensus among the group is that “you only get one shot” would be a good choice; questions included in the article could be used during our event for discussion
- ACRL’s Conference and Continuing Education committee is doing a similar discussion. They’re not using the same article.
- Event title and description:
- Description will go out on 11/28. The event will not be recorded.
- We will have a crowdsourced Q&A/discussion document/artifact similar to the last event. We could use questions from the article in the document. The questions could be included in the event announcement. Folks can add responses in the document ahead of time or during the event. Questions are in the appendix of the article.
- We will include an easy warm-up question. We could include a Zoom poll.
- The group came up with 4 questions from the list of 16 questions from the article. We modified the questions to best suit our discussion.
- Abby will write the article summary
- Heather created the event description
- Denise will copy the authors of the article on the event announcement and encourage them to sign up/attend the event.
- Group members will review the the “planning document” by wednesdayNov 23, 2022: Planning document
- Event planning for early 2023 (co-chairs)
- IACRL DEI committtee’s November meeting was canceled. There will be a change in leadership. Fi will discuss a potential collaboration with that group during the December meeting.
Action items
Next meeting: December 20, 2022 2- 4 p.m. | Zoom