I-Share OPAC Team Meeting: March 14, 2012

Present: Edith List, Belinda Cheek, Paige Weston, Kelly Fisher, Paul Go, Lisa Gonzalez, Jacob Jeremiah, Rong Li, Karl Pettitt, Peggy Steele, Jan Waterhouse.

Absent: none


IUG Update (Belinda):

  • Planning for webinar (Friday, April 13th @ 10 a.m.)
  • Working on presentation for ELUNA Conference
  • CARLI board has approved four new ISHARE libraries
    • Morton College
    • Richland Community College
    • Southwestern Illinois College
    • Southeastern Illinois College

Hathi Trust titles (Paige):

  • Libraries would be able to opt out of showing these titles to their users
  • There is a facet to limit to Hathi Trust titles available to the user
  • Suggestion made that we should not explain too much about where other items are coming from (i.e. titles from Hathi Trust), just use a “+” sign
  • Suggestion made to rename location facet to something else:
    • Something that indicates these titles are freely available
    • Free e-book collection
    • Obligation to name Hathi Trust as one of the resources?
    • May need the name Hathi Trust to distinguish between other freely available e-resources.
    • Four places where name appears
      • We don’t have to use the same name in all four places.
      • Consensus that we just include Hathi Trust titles in UC search without distinguishing between UC and Hathi Trust titles.
      • Consensus that we continue with the plan to allow libraries to opt out of having the Hathi Trust titles loaded into their local catalog. If local libraries include the titles then they will be treated like the the UC treats them with no drop down option to include or exclude.
      • Consensus that we do something similar to the Government Publications options in the advanced search screen for Hathi Trust titles.
      • Consensus that we use “free Hathi Trust e-resources” as facet and location name if library chooses to include titles in local catalog.

New Business

Appointment of new chair: Agreed to wait to elect a new chair till next meeting.

Meeting adjourned @ 10:34
Respectfully submitted by Karl Pettitt