I-Cat Team Meeting: November 08, 2011

Conference Call

Meeting convened at 9:30 a.m.

Members attending: Kristin Martin (UIC), chair, Susan Gallagher (UIS), Dennis McGuire (COL), Lori Murphy (DPU), Heather Parisi (DOM), Emily Prather-Rogers (NCC), Cheryl Wegner (NBY), John Whisler (EIU).

Members absent: Catherine Suchy (JOL).

IUG liaison: Ted Schwitzner

Guest: Jennifer Bowen, University of Rochester

Staff attending: Cathy Salika (CARLI staff liason), Casey Sutherland, Jessica Gibson.


  • Minutes of the October meeting were approved as revised.
  • Kristin will incorporate suggested revisions to the document on use of the Digital Collections Gateway and post a final version for team comment by the end of next week.  Following review, the document will be posted to the CARLI web site.
  • As we work toward a joint IACQ-ICAT forum in the spring, we may cancel one or more separate ICAT meetings in lieu of the combined forum planning meetings.

Tasks Assigned:

  • None


  • The main portion of the meeting was a presentation via conferencing software by Jennifer Bowen from the University of Rochester on the eXtensible Catalog Metadata Services Toolkit, a utility for harvesting metadata from various sources, including building a “universal catalog” from local databases and including data from other sources such as institutional repositories into a single discovery tool.  Ms. Bowen’s presentation was recorded and will be made available for viewing by a wider audience soon.  Questions arose about who would actually use the Metadata Services Toolkit (MST): CARLI staff, or individual libraries?  Probably both, depending on needs.  Cathy Salika indicated that it is still an open question when an XC-based version of I-Share would become a production option.  Much testing and experimenting is still in progress.
  • Fall Forum Webinars are receiving their final polish, and should be ready for presentation next week.  Registration numbers at the moment are 43 for Monday, November 14, 68 for Tuesday, and 55 for Wednesday.  These registrations are for sites.  It is expected that many sites will have multiple participants, and a count of actual bodies will be possible through the online evaluation form.
  • Members of ICAT met by conference call yesterday (November 7) with members of the IACQ team to plan a joint forum in the spring dealing with a number of technical services aspects of the e-book.  Surveys will be going out soon from the combined group to determine questions members would like to have addressed, a ranking of possible topics, and a call for presenters.  Minutes of the joint meeting will be distributed separately.

IUG Report: 

  • Ted Schwitzner reported that the I-Share Users’ Group had not met since our previous ICAT meeting, so there was no news to report from the Group. Ted reported on the October 27th E-book summit held jointly with the IUG, CARLI Collections Working Group, and CARLI E-Resources Group. Some of the highlights of the summit included a review of the landscape of print and electronic consortial purchasing of books. Questions arose about what our collections could look like as a whole in ten years. Does more electronic mean less print?  How do we continue to promote resource sharing in a hybrid environment? Patron Driven Acquisition was another topic, and the group examined different models from different consortia. Is PDA fundamentally the same or different for electronic versus print material?  What does CARLI ownership of e-resources really mean—how is licensing and access to be managed in our environment? Ted indicated that a paper monographic PDA project is in the works for the humanities and social sciences. This time bib records will be placed in the CARLI resource database rather than in the UIUC database. Ted also indicated that the group enumerated things we should want in a Request for Proposals for a consortial e-book Patron Driven Acquisition pilot program; including the areas of funding, collection development, profiling, metadata, and discovery.  Minutes from the summit will be available soon.

•    ICAT asked Ted to relay the following question to IUG:  “What should ICAT’s role be in learning and teaching the XC Metadata Services Toolkit?”

The meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.
Submitted by John Whisler​