ICAT Meeting: May 13, 2013

Minutes for ICAT meeting #67, May 13, 2013

Meeting convened at 1:30.

Members attending: Lori Murphy (DPU) Chair; Lynnette Fields (SIE); Susan Gallagher (UIS); Deborah Morris (ROU); Kavita Mundle (UIC); Heather Parisi (DOM); John Whisler (EIU); Edith List (PRC, IUG Liaison).

Members absent: Dennis McGuire (COL) and Catherin Suchy (JOL).

CARLI Staff attending: Cathy Salika and Nicole Swanson.

Susan Gallagher was designated as minute taker.


  • Approval of minutes from April 1 meeting
  • Update on the Spring Forum on RDA for Original Catalogers (Cathy & Nicole)

The forum is scheduled for June 6 and 7 in Chicago and June 10 and 11 at the CARLI office on Champaign. Fifty people have enrolled so far. The registration forms will be reviewed and confirmation of attendance will be sent out May 22.

  • Update on Electronic Bookplates

The document was approved and will be included in the next CARLI newsletter.


  • Annual Report (Lori)

 Lori reported the Annual Report has been turned in.

  • IUG Report (Cathy)

 Cathy reported IUG has gone through the annual reports form each team and of special note was the variety of programs offered, for example, open houses and forums.  IUG will draft an annual report and send it to the board.  Susan Singleton was at the meeting and reported  the print demand driven acquisitions project is continuing and half the money allocated has been spent.  There will be a similar program for e-books.  CARLI is currently working with vendors.  RDA fields are being added to the Alexander Street Press video records.  An announcement will be out soon with information on how to request records with RDA fields.  OCLC is opening up an archives grid – a place where libraries can register special collections in their archives.

Our next meeting will be June 3, 2013. <This meeting was cancelled.>

Meeting adjourned at 2:30.

Minutes submitted by Susan Gallagher