I-Share ACQ Team Meeting: January 16, 2013

Conference Call Only

Present: James Edstrom (WRH – Chair), Tom Goetz (WRH – IUG Liaison), Sharon Nelson (NIU), Jen Masciadrelli (CARLI), Carol Doyle (NU), Joan Schuitema (NEI), Stephen Smith (UIUC), Tonya Webb (UIU),  John Ballestro (SIC)

Not Present: Eric Nygren (NBY), Carol Rhoades (ISU)

Confirm Minute Taker: Carol Doyle
Approval of November meeting minutes: Approved


CARLI Report – Jen

  • Integrating new CARLI libraries. Should be able to lend and borrow by next Friday.
  • Still working on the new CARLI website, hoping for January launch. But, some issues with secure areas of site.
  • You may have seen the announcement about the video of Alexander Street Press purchase that CARLI is offering for purchase.  
  • There is an Archon webinar on Friday.  

IUG Liaison – Tom Goetz

  • Big item is the liaisons forum which is March 26th, at Elmhurst College.  There will be agenda and registration up before too long.
  • James asked about continuing appointments in the context of new teams.  Jen mentioned that they are gauging interest in people continuing with current appointments vs calling for new volunteers.  Jen talked about size of teams
  • James asked about analog to IUG Liaison and Tom responded that committees are empowered to do what they want – if they want a liaison, they can have one.   James mentioned that liaison role might be important in a transition year.  

Old Business

Webinars: Jen confirmed with Carlos Melian at Northeastern he will speak about ledger and that will be February 22nd, 10 am. Joan wrote some points about ledgers, how they work, when is best time to change ledger structure. Is there anything else from this group that you are hoping to hear?  

Tom mentioned that his school changed their ledger, formulated fund codes to be more coherent, set up funds by academic division so every dept. that comes under academic division, starts with same letters, so you can see everything in logical order.

Jen will send out request for things to cover. It will be an hour and will be recorded.

Forums and open houses:  Jen mentioned e-mail from Lynn at UIUC about an open house, and they are interested.  April 4th will be the date for open house at UIUC.  Is there anything specific you would like to hear about?  Tom mentioned that could have spot on registration form where people can write what they are hoping to learn.  Jen mentioned that Wheaton volunteered to host an open house and Jen suggested sometime for March and needs to hear back.  Wheaton is doing interesting things.  

Tom mentioned if these schools have an ERM Is there anything that an ERM is taking over from acquisitions.  James mentioned Harper College has ‘one search’ will send link out.

Tom mentioned someone sending out message to IACQ list asking what people might be interested in seeing.  

New Business

Complex Publications Patterns. Sharing form:

Jen brought up that webmaster asked about this. Acquisitions group at time wanted to facilitate this because it is complex. They did a webinar, and don’t get many questions about this anymore. What do people feel about this? Do we have usage statistics that tell how many times the Excel spreadsheet has been accessed? Jen might be able to look at this. Sharon mentioned that no new patterns have been posted since 2008.