I-Share ACQ Team Meeting: December 12, 2012

Conference Call

Present: James Edstrom (WRH – Chair), Tom Goetz (WRH – IUG Liaison), Jen Masciadrelli (CARLI), Sharon Nelson (NIU), Eric Nygren (NBY), Carol Rhoades (ISU), Stephen Smith (UIC), Tonya Webb (UIU)

Not Present: John Ballestro (SIC), Carol Doyle (NU), Joan Schuitema (NEI)

Confirm Minutes Taker: Eric Nygren

Approval of November 14 Minutes: Approved with changes by Jen


CARLI Report–Jen: Still working on integration of the four new I-share libraries.  On schedule for goal of going live on 1/18/2013. Other activities: continued preparation of new web site, ongoing RDA webinars. Office will be closed week of Christmas, 12/24 through 1/1.

Report from IUG Liaison—Tom: Last IUG Meeting was 11/8. Currently planning forum for CARLI liaisons, to be held on Tue 3/26 at Elmhurst College.  

Worked on changes to new committee charge, will forward to CARLI board for approval.  Jim asked about planned number of committee members.  Tom to ask for details at next meeting. Jen reports CARLI has discussed internally; no consensus reached.  Suggestions include a larger initial group, reduced as terms expire.  There is some concern over fewer volunteer opportunities for members with merging of multiple technical services committees.

Old Business

Webinars: Positive feedback on Jim’s presentation in December; Jen will forward along with suggested topics for future presentations. Potential webinar on setting up a ledger/changing ledger structure. Jen to email Carlos Melian at Northeastern to ask if interested in presenting topic.

Forums and Open Houses: 

Jen will email Lynn Wiley re: date for open house during UIUC’s spring break.

Jim asked about feasibility of hosting a forum this year, in light of committee structure change.  Tom suggested that a second webinar and a couple of open houses might be offered instead.

New Business
