I-Share ACQ Team Meeting: August 22, 2012

Conference Call

Members present: John Ballestro (SIUC), James Edstrom (WRH, Chair), Tom Goetz (WRH, IUG liaison), Sharon Nelson (NIU), Carol Rhoades (ISU), Tonya Webb (UIU), Jen Masciadrelli (CARLI)

Members absent: Carol Doyle (NWU), Eric Nygren (NBY), Joan Schuitema (NEI), Stephen J. Smith (UIC)

Confirm Minute Taker  - Sharon

Approval of June 13 & July 17 Minutes – minutes were approved.


CARLI Report – Jen

  • Doing interviews for Mel's vacated position. At 2nd interview stage, hope to have position filled by mid-Sept. or Oct. 
  • Starting to work with ExLibris on a calendar for the 4 new libraries to be added. Jen will bring up the proposal about informal mentoring discussed at our last meeting w. CARLI staff. 
  • Planning has started for the CARLI annual meeting, which will be in-person this time, to be held in Champaign in late Oct. or early Nov. 

Report from IUG Liaison – Tom Goetz

  • Tom was last year's IUG chair and has been liaisons to other groups before.
  • IUG has not met yet (next meeting is next Tues.) so he will bring us up to speed next meeting.  IUG has several new members. 

Old Business

  • Wiki structure:  (http://wiki.carli.illinois.edu/index.php/Acquisitions_and_Serials_Documentation): We should attempt an ongoing review as things need looking at instead of a comprehensive review. Sharon raised the question how changes to the CARLI website might change what's on the wiki and how we link to materials. Jen says if a page's URL is changing there will be redirects at least for a little while. She will follow up w. Ed and Margaret.  The launch of the new CARLI website is targeted for sometime after mid-September.  After the website is launched, a couple people from the IACQ team should go through the wiki to make sure all the links on the wiki still work. 
  • Jim asked if we have had positive feedback on the documentation on the wiki. Jen explained it is a mix of documents written by CARLI staff and the IACQ team for the I-Share membership, but as far as she knows she has not received any negative feedback on what's there.  However, one of this year's projects could be to look for missing documentation or things that could use enhancement. 
  • Wink tutorials: From Jen's statistics it did not look like there was any use of the tutorials themselves, though there were a number of views of the page they are linked on. However, both Sharon & Carol have used the tutorials, so perhaps the statistics are suspect or not being interpreted correctly. Jen will follow up. 

New Business:

  • Local institution reports: Tom reported that Harper has signed up w. Serials Solutions for Summon for improved discovery and statistics. Tom & Jim will be happy to provide further updates as things progress.  Jen mentioned several CARLI libraries are looking at new discovery tools. 
  • Tom asked if the team is thinking about planning forums, open houses, or webinars. Jim replied we are going to bring up at subsequent meetings.  One thought was about open houses geared towards the new institutions. John previously talked to Lynne at UIUC about scheduling an open house; Tanya will follow up with Lynne as to whether or not she's still willing to do this. 

Next meeting is Sept. 19 (conference call). For now we will just use conference calls because  VOIP has proved problematic. We can use Adobe Connect for file sharing/viewing but using the phone for voice seems to work best. 
Meeting adjourned at 10:33 a.m.