I-Share ACQ Team Meeting: May 16, 2012

Conference call 

Members present: Christophe Andersen (COL), John Ballestro (SIUC, Co-Chair), James Edstrom (WRH), Lynn Fields (SIUE), Melissa Laytham (NPU, Co-Chair), Carol Rhoades (ISU), Stephen J. Smith (UIC)

Members absent: Sharon Nelson (NIU), Joan Schuitema (NEI), Megan Bernal (DPU, IUG Liaison)

Staff Present: Jen Masciadrelli (CARLI)

Meeting commenced at 10:30 a.m.

Minute taker for this meeting was confirmed as Jen.

Minutes of April 18, 2012 were approved as submitted.

CARLI Report

Jen reported that CARLI Staff are meeting today to make selections from the volunteer list for new team members.

Several CARLI staff went to the ELUNA Conference in Salt Lake City last week.

IUG Report

No IUG report as Megan did not attend.

Old Business

Spring Forum Feedback: Overall responses were positive. Missy felt that there were several good ideas in the responses to help seed future activities for the IACQ Team.  There was some concern about time allotted to speaking vs. Q&A in some of the breakouts, but we all agreed that it is difficult to find the balance between enough to talk about and too much “dead air”.

EIU Open House: 16 (out of 20 max) are registered to attend. Missy and Jen will be there to represent the IACQ Team.

New Business

IACQ 2011-2012 Annual Report: two minor corrections were given, Jen will update the report and send a revised version to IUG for Friday’s meeting.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:50 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jen Masciadrelli