Members Attending: Jacob Del Rio, Robin Hofstetter, Joanna Kolendo, Elizabeth Nelson, Elizabeth Outler, Jennifer Patterson, Sara Rizzo, Megan Ruenz, Lisa Wallis
Members Absent: Joanna Kolendo
CARLI Staff Attending: Yanira Cruz, Denise Green, Nicole Ream-Sotomayor, Ted Schwitzner, Marisa Tolbert
- CARLI Announcements: Yanira Cruz, Electronic Resources Coordinator, was introduced to the group
- Sara mentioned small talks about eResources after recent CARLI Counts meeting
- Jacob Del Rio and Denise Green recapped the Table Talk at the CARLI Annual Meeting. Table attendees requested help running overlap analysis jobs in Alma.
- Sara Rizzo attended CARLI Counts Reunion on October 29, 2024 and pitched the idea to host ‘lightning round’ talks about a variety of E-Resource topics, possibly in March.
- E-Resource Management Topics Survey discussed. A revised survey was e-mailed to the committee on September 30. Changes made to allow open-ended responses for training requests. Many expressed interest in annualizing this survey to go out before the start of each fiscal year.
- Ideas for November meeting discussed. All committee members could come prepared to discuss overlap analysis, EBSCO interface migrations, or OpenAthens
- EBSCO Interface – you can request migration to be delayed beyond January. Jenny Taylor awaiting a clarification from Deborah LaPierre.
- Approval of September 20, 2024 minutes.
- Meeting Dates and Times Discussed. Changing meeting to 2nd Friday instead of 3rd Friday. November will be 11/15 as previously scheduled.
Tasks Assigned
- Jacob Del Rio took minutes.
- Marisa making changes to Q6 and Q7 and sending final ERM survey to committee, to reply by end of 10/31. Survey to be sent out 11/1 with hopes to discuss results on December 13.
Meeting Dates
- Next Meeting: Friday, November 15, 1 pm. Minutes: Joanna Kolendo