Discovery Primo VE Task Force — October 13, 2021

Via Zoom

Members attending: Alice Creason (Lewis), Aimee Walker (JOL), Marlee Graser (SIUE), Nathan Thebarge (Trinity), Lindsey Skaggs (ISU), Amy Killebrew (Columbia CC), Tami Luedtke (DePaul), Dallas Long (ISU - CARLI Board Liaison)

Members absent: Christine McClure (DePaul), Colin Koteles (CoD)

Staff attending: Amy Maroso, Jessica Gibson

  1. Confirm minutes taker (Marlee).
  2. Approve minutes from the September 8, 2021 meeting.
  3. Committee Reports
    1. Colin Koteles (absent) - E-Resources Management Task Force
      1. Alice Creason gave a short report on the ER Management Task Force. They are looking at Alma Analytics and usage for e-resources, primary focusing on SUSHI harvesting and manipulating those in Analytics
    2. Nathan Thebarge (TIU) - Resource Sharing Committee
      1. No questions from this committee
    3. Lindsey Skaggs (ISU) - Instruction Committee
      1. No report this month
    4. Marlee Graser (SIE) - Tech Services Committee
      1. The committee is focusing on best practices documentation, particularly related to authority control and ethical cataloging and record selection and import
    5. Christine McClure (DPU) - Public Service Committee
      1. Discussion focused on how in-person operations are working
      2. Reduction project on named users and bib title count
      3. Controlled digital lending, increasing faculty adoption of OER
    6. Amy Killebrew (COL) - Collection Management Committee
      1. Created a subgroup tasked with reviewing Alma Analytics
  4. Unfinished Business
    1. Hide I-Share request link custom javascript code
      1. The CARLI Programmer has created a new version of this script. Jessica has this ready to distribute and will be sent out for testing soon.
      2. Hoping that it will also hide the I-Share Request link in the Get It and the How To Get It section. This code relies on a setting in Alma configuration
    2. I-Share union view
      1. Subgroup met on September 20. Informal notes from that meeting are available.
      2. The subgroup recommended a few changes that have been implemented. The subgroup will run some sample searches between their institution’s discovery view and the I-Share union view.
        1. Held by Library filter - in some institutions this doesn’t filter exclusively to materials held by a specific library; this is dependent on the “Include member institution physical inventory in facets” setting in the View
        2.  Once you log in, the URL changes from 01CARLI_Network to an institution-specific view to display records from your institution (e.g. 01CARLI_ISU). However, after logging out the URL doesn’t change back to show the 01CARLI_Network view.
      3. Discussed use cases: mainly for individuals outside of the consortium and those who want to identify electronic versions of resources
      4. Lindsey Skaggs and Tami Luedtke will write up some of their notes and make those available in GDrive.
      5. The subgroup plans to meet again before the next committee meeting
    3. bX recommender
      1. Aimee Walker (JOL) - In some cases the majority of the articles that it is recommending are not resources that the institution has access to. Specific examples may help troubleshoot this issue.
      2. About 30 institutions have implemented bX Recommender, but CARLI hasn’t received a lot of feedback from these institutions
    4. Potential areas of inquiry/work for the Task Force
      1. Nothing new has been added to the list.
      2. Renewing I-Share materials through PrimoVE My Library Card is causing some confusion. Nathan Thebarge will take the issue to the Resource Sharing Committee for discussion.
    5. October Release implemented changes to FRBR and dedup functions, which will need to be tested.
      1. This work will be tabled until the committee has the capacity to work on this
  5. New Business
    1. Sub-Groups
      1. Local Resource Types (Tami, Marlee)
        1. Met on Oct. 4 to discuss parameters of the project. Discussed developing a workflow for requesting an NZ local resource type and identifying the most critical resource types to address. Also discussed documentation or education on label changes rather than developing a new local resource type, when appropriate. The subgroup will meet again on Oct. 20.
      2. PrimoVE Analytics (Alice, Christine, Amy K)
        1. Did not have an opportunity to meet, but will be setting up a meeting over the next month to set goals and objectives
      3. Showcase (Aimee, Lindsey)
        1. Did not have an opportunity to meet, but the Showcase is tentatively anticipated for the Spring, so this work is tabled until January.
    2. Reschedule November 10 meeting? (Same day as CARLI Annual Meeting.)
      1. This meeting will be moved to November 17th at 11am via Zoom. Amy Maroso will reschedule this (may have to send out a new meeting invite).
  6. Other items from the floor
  7. Meeting recap and actions for next meeting
    1. Test new JS code for Hide Request from I-Share link
    2. Lindsey Skaggs and Tami Luedtke will add their notes from testing the I-Share Union View to the GDrive folder. This subgroup will continue testing the I-Share Union View.
    3. Aimee Walker (JOL) will send some specific examples of resources that are appearing in bX Recommender that the institution does not have access to.
    4. Nathan Thebarge will discuss the I-Share renewal issue with the Resource Sharing Committee and report back.
    5. The Local Resource Types subgroup will meet again before the next meeting to discuss critical resource types and workflows for requesting NZ local resource types.
    6. PrimoVE Analytics subgroup will meet over the next month to set goals and objectives
    7. Nov. 10 meeting is rescheduled to Nov. 17th at 11am. Amy Maroso will make sure that the Zoom link is still valid or send out a new meeting invite.

Minutes taker for November meeting: Colin Koteles