Members Attending: Neil Das (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Jessica Harris (University of Chicago), Michele Hunt (Northern Illinois University), Sarah Johnson (Eastern Illinois University), Edith List (Principia College), Marie Martino (Moraine Valley Community College), Megan Ruenz (Wheaton College), Mary Tatro (Augustana College), Amanda Wiesenhofer (Lincoln Land Community College)
CARLI Staff Attending: Jenny Taylor, Nicole Ream-Sotomayor, Elizabeth Clarage, Denise Green
CARLI Board Liaison Member Present: Matt Ostercamp
CARLI Updates
- The selection system will be open from March 28th through 2nd week of May for Fiscal Year selections. Information will be sent out sson about when the system will become available. This cycle may have more products because Bloomsbury acquired ABC-CLIO.
- Elizabeth provided an update on the Ebook Crowdfunding program
- The Year Three proposal was sent out in December. Members should let Elizabeth know by February 15 if they are pledging to the project.
- Upcoming CARLI events are on the CARLI calendar
There were no product proposals this month.
Annual project
- The Call for Proposals was sent out to CARLI's Collections, E-Resources, Announce, and Tech Services lists. Currently there are no proposals.
- A follow-up will be sent the week of February 1
- The forum will be listed in the next CARLI newsletter as a "save the date"
- Possible presenters were discussed. If there are only a few proposals, a presenter could also be invited, which can be discussed at the next meeting.
Other Business
- Jenny was approached by a vendor about a newsletter specifically for CARLI members and how to distribute it. The vendor asked about the best way to reach out to CARLI members.
- The committee discussed various aspects of vendor communication and CARLI communication, including the possibility of CARLI staff pulling together a quarterly newsletter of vendor announcements. CARLI staff will see if this is feasible moving forward.
- Good-bye and thanks to Neil Das, who is moving to a new position.
- Minutes from the Decemeber meeting were approved.
- A "Save the Date" will be in the CARLI newsletter
- A follow-up call will go out the week of February 1
Tasks Assigned
- CARLI staff will send out the follow-up CFP in February and include information in the February CARLI newsletter
Meeting Dates
Next Meeting: Friday, February 18, 2022, 1-2 p.m via Zoom.