Commercial Products Committee Meeting: December 10, 2021


Members Attending: Neil Das (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Jessica Harris (University of Chicago), Michele Hunt (Northern Illinois University), Sarah Johnson (Eastern Illinois University), Marie Martino (Moraine Valley Community College), Megan Ruenz (Wheaton College), Mary Tatro (Augustana College), Amanda Wiesenhofer (Lincoln Land Community College)

Members Absent: Edith List (Principia College)

CARLI Staff Attending:  Jenny Taylor, Nicole Ream-Sotomayor, Elizabeth Clarage, Denise Green


CARLI Updates

  • The CY22 cycle is over. Subscriptions for community colleges were lower (~12% reduction), but otherwise there was not much change.
  • Work will begin on the FY23 cycle in January.
  • Highlights from the CARLI Board Meeting:
    • The Board approved a recommendation to turn off I-Share Resource Sharing over winter break. Specifics will be announced through regular CARLI communication channels.
    • CARLI continues to work with the UIUC library on the Institutional Repository Pilot Project.
  • Elizabeth provided an update on the consortial ebook program:
    • The new ebook site is up on the CARLI website and is now live
    • CARLI is still waiting on confirmation of perpetually owned titles for FY21
    • CARLI sent out a funding request to fund the program through FY23 and Elizabeth has scheduled 3 informational sessions that can be found on the CARLI calendar.
  • CARLI has a hub on OER Commons site, which is intended for CARLI libraries to share OERs that they've developed:
  • CARLI has launched Illinois SCOERS, a grant program to help fund OERs:
  • The CARLI Public Services Committee is interested in learning more about what members are doing with Controlled Digital Lending. A survey has been sent to various CARLI email lists, with responses requested by December 21, 2021.
  • The CARLI Collection Management Committee is interested in examples of DEI language in collection development policies. They'll be sending a survey out soon.



Euromonitor Passport: the committee decided to not move forward with a license at this time

Annual project

  • The Google Form to solicit proposals was finalized.
  • A call will be sent out the week of January 10th, with a follow-up around January 26th.

Other Business

  • Jenny proposed sending out another survey to member libraries to see what products they'd most be interested in CARLI licensing. The last survey was sent prior to the pandemic. The committee agreed this would be useful.


  • Minutes from the November 12 meeting were approved.
  • The call for proposals for the accessibility forum will be sent out January 10, with a follow-up around January 26.

Tasks Assigned

  • Marie will set up the Google drive folders to allow committee members access to submitted proposals
  • CARLI staff will add the forum to the CARLI calendar
  • CARLI staff will send out the forum CFP in January and include information in the January CARLI newsletter

Meeting Dates

Next Meeting: Friday, January 21, 2022, 1-2 p.m via Zoom.