Commercial Products Committee Meeting: October 8, 2021


Members Attending: Neil Das (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Michele Hunt (Northern Illinois University), Sarah Johnson (Eastern Illinois University), Edith List (Principia College), Megan Ruenz (Wheaton College), Mary Tatro (Augustana College), Amanda Wiesenhofer (Lincoln Land Community College)

Members Absent: Jessica Harris (University of Chicago), Marie Martino (Moraine Valley Community College)

CARLI Staff Attending:  Jenny Taylor, Nicole Ream-Sotomayor, Elizabeth Clarage, Denise Green

CARLI Board Liaison Member Present: Matt Ostercamp


CARLI Updates

  • The Selection System is open until the first week of November.
  • Elizabeth provided an update on the consortial e-book program:
    • CARLI staff are working to load the records to the Network Zone and make titles available to non-I-Share libraries
    • CARLI is looking at year three for the program, beginning July 1, 2022. Feedback is being implemented from last year, so information on crowdfunding the purchase will go out earlier this year so that libraries can better plan around their budgets.
  • Denise thanked all the librarians who have been working with CARLI to delete duplicate electronic collections.



HistoryMakers - The committee decided to not pursue a contract with HistoryMakers.

MLA Handbook Plus - The committee decided to pursue a contract with MLA.

Annual project

  • The committee discussed their annual project, which will focus on accessibility in libraries. It was decided that sending out a call for proposals, and then working around that might be the best way to move forward.
  • The event will be via Zoom, with recording, as along as participants agree.
  • The event is tentatively scheduled for April 2022.
  • Michele and Marie will draft a call for proposals

Other business

  • Michele asked about using Occam's Reader for controlled digital lending, and the committee discussed.


  • Minutes from the September 10 meeting were approved.
  • CPC-sponsored event on accessibility is tentatively scheduled for April 2022.

Tasks Assigned

  • Michele and Marie will draft a call for proposals, to be reviewed at the next meeting.

Meeting Dates

Next Meeting: Friday, November 12, 2021, 1-2 p.m via Zoom.