Commercial Products Committee Meeting: August 2, 2021


Members Attending: Neil Das (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Jessica Harris (University of Chicago), Michele Hunt (Northern Illinois University), Sarah Johnson (Eastern Illinois University), Edith List (Principia College), Megan Ruenz (Wheaton College), Mary Tatro (Augustana College

Members Absent: Marie Martino (Moraine Valley Community College), Amanda Wiesenhofer (Lincoln Land Community College)

CARLI Staff Attending:  Jenny Taylor, Nicole Ream-Sotomayor

CARLI Board Liaison Member Present: Matt Ostercamp


CARLI Updates

  • Jenny updated the committee on CARLI's consortial e-book program with Wiley and Oxford.
  • The CY22 selection cycle is being prepared and will open in October. There are several licenses to negotiate this fall.
  • The CARLI Annual Meeting will take place virtually on Nov. 10, 2021.
  • There is an open position at CARLI that will work with and promote Open Educational Resources.
  • Denise Green at CARLI will be joining the E-Resources team to allow for a more cohesive transfer of information between the e-resources brokering program and e-resource management tasks.



No product proposals this month


  • Members of the committee introduced themselves and their roles at their libraries.
  • Nicole discussed the role of CARLI committees in general, and directed members to CARLI's Committee Guidelines. She highlighted the responsibilities of the CARLI committees in general, roles of the Staff Liaisons, Board Liaison, and Committee Chairs.
  • Jenny gave an overview of what the CARLI Commercial Products (CPC) Committee does and explained that with the formation of the CARLI E-Resources Management Taskforce there would be quite a bit of conversation with that team during the year.  CPC focuses on the CARLI brokering program, mainly for continuing e-resources, for the entire consortium.  Vendors can approach CARLI about working with the consortium or members of CARLI can suggest vendors for CARLI to inquire about working with. CPC reviews vendor proposals and makes recommendations to CARLI about whether or not to pursue licensing agreements.

Possible projects

The topics of E-audio books and accessibility were mentioned as potential projects for our committee this year.  Jenny mentioned that accessibility is something that CARLI is looking to add to their license agreements.  The team can talk about these topics at a future meeting and decide if this could be a committee project. 


  • Minutes from the June 4, 2021 meeting were approved, with minor edits.
  • Minute takers for future minutes will rotate in alphabetical order.

Tasks Assigned

  • Jenny will create and send a Doodle Poll to find out the group's availability for future meetings.

Meeting Dates

Next Meeting: TBD.