Commercial Products Committee Meeting: October 11, 2019


Members Attending: Pam Cipkowski (Lake Forest College), Marie Martino (Moraine Valley Community College), Thane Montaner (Prairie State College), Will Midgley (University of Illinois at Chicago), Kavita Mundle (University of Illinois at Chicago), Megan Ruenz (Wheaton College), Amanda Wiesenhofer (Lincoln Land Community College)

Members Absent:  Jeffrey Matlak (Western Illinois University), Heather Parisi (Dominican University)

CARLI Staff Attending:  Jennifer Taylor, Nicole Ream-Sotomayor, Elizabeth Clarage


CARLI Updates

Welcome to Nicole-Ream Sotomayor, CARLI’s new Senior Electronic Resources Coordinator!

The Calendar Year 2020 CARLI Selection Period is now open; there have been some minor technical issues with the system this cycle (duplicate products listed for some CARLI members).  Developers are aware and will be fixing this. 

Sage E-Reference annual access fee will be a calendar year selection now and moving forward.  This had been added to the FY20 selection cycle.  Jenny will send an email reminder about selecting this during the calendar year cycle. 

Sage Premier has moved to purchasing and may be added to selection during the Calendar Year 2020 cycle.

CARLI office continues to broker a broad Sage license (CQ Researcher, Sage Video, etc.)  Sage has agreed to multi-year caps, but they have not yet disclosed what the caps will be. 



Impelsys: Decision was made not to move forward with this product. 

carli annual meeting

The CPC will not present at the upcoming CARLI Annual Meeting.  Kavita and Will volunteered to write the draft “one-pager” on behalf of the committee.  

e-resource survey results

CARLI will begin with the top results and work through the list of resources.  Jenny will follow up with Naxos and obtain a product proposal.  She will reach out to Clarivate/Web of Science and Swank at the Charleston Conference, and will follow up with ACS/SciFinder (may be possible to integrate additional products into the upcoming license agreement with ACS).  Jenny will get pricing from Statista so that the committee can discuss and review at the November meeting.  Jenny has been in contact with Social Explorer, Ibisworld, Mary Ann Liebert, and Docuseek.  The committee discussed the other suggestions written in by CARLI members.

CPC Annual Project

The CPC decided to organize and offer a webinar series for the 2019-2020 annual project.  Potential topics include the following:  eResource management/workflows in Alma, licensing (CARLI model/principles), and statistics/data collection and analysis (Counter 5).

Tasks Assigned

Kavita and Will are going to draft the CPC “one-pager” on behalf of the committee.  Deadline for submission of final draft is Monday, October 21st.

Pam will reach out to colleagues about presenting a webinar.

Kavita will reach out colleagues at the University of Minnesota about presenting a webinar.

Meeting Dates

Next Meeting: Friday, November 8th, 10:00 a.m. on Zoom

Schedule of CARLI CPC Meetings: 2nd Friday of each month at 10:00 a.m. over Zoom