Commercial Products Committee Meeting: August 1, 2018

In Person Meeting (CARLI Office)

Members Attending in Person:  Lesley Wolfgang, Chair (Saint John's College of Nursing), Edith List (Principia College), Jeffrey Matlak (Western Illinois University), Will Midgley (DePaul University), Thane Montaner (Prairie State College), Amanda Wiesenhofer (Lincoln Land Community College)

Members Attending via Phone:  Xiaotian Chen (Bradley University)

Members Absent:  Jim Millhorn (Northern Illinois University), Kavita Mundle (University of Illinois at Chicago)

CARLI Staff Attending:  Cindy Clennon, Jenny Taylor, Elizabeth Clarage


Ann Craig, CARLI Director

I-Share Next:  Moving along

Budget: Waiting to get more information from the VP of Academic Affairs

Strategic Plan:  Is finished, just waiting on graphic design.  Hope is to have it be a living road map.

Grant:  CARLI applied for a Laura Bush IMLS grant to support workshops to use data to advocate for libraries' places in the universities' structure.  It will support up to 60 individuals from the CARLI membership in a cohort format.

Listening Sessions:  More will be planned.

Bradley Woodruff Introduction

Bradley is the new Library Application Support Consultant in the CARLI office.

CARLI Updates

Reviewed the committee purpose and Guidelines for Communication and Participation for CARLI committees.

Future meetings will be the second Thursday of the month, 2 - 3:30pm.

Last year's committee project will be presented at the CARLI annual meeting.

E-Resources Updates

Selection System:  Selection system will moved to a cloud based server.

Consortia Manager:  As of July 1, CARLI has funding from the State Library to implement Consortia Manager to monitor usage statistics.  Staff are currently collecting SUSHI feeds and examining potential updates to the Selection System for implementation and integration.  CARLI members will have access to Consortia Manager for one year.

RFT:  The EBSCO contract for Academic Search Premier ends June 30, 2019.  A RFI has been submitted to the University System.  

eBook Agreement:  The CARLI ebook agreement ended in June, 2018.  CARLI is working on an RFP for consortium access, funded by individual institutional purchases.

Contracts:  Wiley, SpringerNature, and JSTOR agreements end in January and CARLI will negotiate new agreements this fall.

New Agreements:  CARLI is working on new agreements with Bloomsbury , Films on Demand (subscriptions only), and Naxos.  These priorities are based on the interest survey done earlier in the year.



There was a proposal from an Executive Board member for the committee to gather information about web compliance and Voluntary Product Accessibility Templates (VPATs) for CARLI brokered resources.  Several committee members have experience with VPATs and see this as a short term project.  A spreadsheet will be created for the VPAT information gathered.  In the future, VPAT collection will be ongoing and may become part of CARLI's standard electronic resources licensing template. 

Annual Project

Several ideas were mentioned as a possible annual project for the committee.  The committee decided there was a need for workshops on various electronic resources topics.  Possible ideas for workshops include usage statistics, LibGuides, Consortia Manager, COUNTER 5, licensing principles, vendor presentations, streaming video, LMS/CMS integration.  Target date is in the spring in Champaign.


American Mathematical Society Journals:  CARLI will move forward if it can be done as an amendment to the current agreement.

Tasks Assigned

Start gathering VPAT information; Xiaotian will make a spreadsheet.

Meeting Dates and Deadlines

Conference call on Thursday, September 13 at 2:00pm