Zoom/Conference Call
Members attending: Chad Buckley, co-chair (Illinois State University), Janice Derr (Eastern Illinois University), Stephanie Fletcher (Illinois Institute of Technology), Jayna Leipart Guttilla, co-chair (Illinois Valley Community College), Carl Lehnen (University of Illinois Chicago), Erin Zimmerman (Heartland Community College), Jeannette Glover (Spoon River College), Gwen Gregory (Northern Illinois University, Kris Veldheer (Catholic Theological Union)
CARLI Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Jen Masciadrelli, Nicole Ream-Sotomayor, Jenny Taylor
- The April minutes were approved.
Tasks Assigned
- Minutes taken by Kris Veldheer.
- All committee members should review the draft of the Archives Survey Report for review at the next meeting.
- Jen Masciadrelli noted three new libraries were being added to Alma currently and additional libraries would be added in the fall.
- Jenny Taylor said the CARLI selection system had closed a couple of weeks ago and noted some issues with Alexander Street Press that required follow up with libraries individually. They are also analyzing data from the past year.
- Kris Veldheer announced the closing of the JKM Library.
- Archives subcommittee
- A draft of the Archives Survey report was submitted for review by CMC members. It is in the Archives subcommittee folder on Box. Please use track changes and make your edits by June 19.
- Open Access Collections subcommittee
- The last batch of titles reviewed by the subcommittee was added to the Network Zone and CARLI staff still need to add those titles to the CARLI website. There are more titles, but the work is sporadic.
- Weeding eBooks subcommittee
- Had to reschedule the meeting, no updates.
- DEI Continuing Education Programming subcommittee
- Nothing to report, still ongoing. The subcommittee is meeting later this week.
- Waiting on responses to a survey that was sent out.
- Building Diverse Collection Open Discussion
- The Annual Activities Summary will be submitted next week in time for the CARLI Board of Directors meeting.
- The Annual Report for the CMC will also be submitted. Chad drafted summaries from the DEI and Weeding ebooks subcommittees for the Annual Report. There are some place holders in the report that still need to be filled out for the Archives and Open Access subcommittees. Stephanie will write the summary for the Open Access subcommittee. Everyone is free to review and suggest changes to the report.
Next Meeting Date and Deadlines
Next meeting is June 21, 2023, Minutes: Jeanette Glover