Collection Management Committee Meeting: September 15, 2021

Zoom / Conference Call

Members attending: Dan Blewett, co-chair (College of DuPage), Chad Buckley (Illinois State University), Janice Derr (Eastern Illinois University), Keith Eiten, co-chair (Wheaton College), , Lorene Kennard, (University of St. Francis), Jayna Leipart Guttilla (Illinois Valley Community College), Niamh McGuigan, (Loyola University Chicago), Kris Veldheer (Catholic Theological Union)

Members absent: Scott Thomson (Rush University)

CARLI Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Jen Masciadrelli, Nicole Ream-Sotomayor, Jenny Taylor

Board Liaisons: Taran Ley (Southern Illinois University School of Medicine)

Discovery Prime VE Task Force Liaison: Amy Killebrew (Columbia College Chicago)

E-Resources Management Task Force Liaison: Andrea Imre (Southern Illinois University Carbondale)


  • Form subgroups to work on brainstorming topics.

Tasks Assigned

  • Minutes taken by Chad Buckley.
  • Form a subgroup to review Open Access ebook collections currently available in the Network Zone to decide if they are still worth keeping in the catalog.  Assign task to a subgroup of 2-3 people. (Dan Blewett, Chad Buckley, Keith Eiten)
  • Form a subgroup to examine what we want Alma Analytics to tell us and to identify relevant reports.  Provide instructions for less experienced users. (Kris Veldheer, Niamh McGuigan, Dan Blewett, Janice Derr, Scott Thomson)
  • Form a DEI subgroup to perhaps conduct a literature review, see what others have done.  Identify tools to help with this process. Training on how to do this locally. (Lorene Kennard, Jayna Leipart Guttilla, Dan Blewett)
  • Weeding ebooks guidelines revision (Keith Eiten)
  • Elizabeth/Jen will setup Zoom meetings for the subcommittees.


  • Member Announcements:
    • Keith Eiten (Wheaton College):  Wheaton is forming a library faculty task force to do a complete review of how their library handles open access journals and e-books.  Keith will be serving on this group.
  • CARLI Announcements:
    • Update on Oxford/Wiley ebooks.  Some Oxford titles that had been selected for purchase were now Open Access and therefore removed from the list.  Thirteen new titles were substituted.  Attempted to complete monographic sets when possible.  Waiting for final confirmation.  Will give update to the CARLI Board this Friday.  MARC records will be shared, and I-Share libraries will not need to do anything to access these titles.
    • New ebook page for CARLI web site is in progress. Purchased ProQuest from the 2014 PDA program all have different reset dates for Non-Linear Lending loans and those dates have to be checked manually.
    • The consortium Wiley usage statistics are being divided into individual institution usage to be shared  libraries.
    • Jenny Taylor reported that they are proceeding with getting the Calendar Year 2022 selection cycle ready.


  • Open Access Ebook collections were discussed.  Additional collections have been activated in the Network Zone beyond what the CMC recommended. Several of the collection relate to work of the previous SFX Committee.  Does the CMC want to review these other collections to ensure they are appropriate?  Member libraries could opt in for these collections in the past if they chose in VUFind.  In PrimoVE, there is less concern about overwhelming a local library’s collection.  CMC can review both ebook and ejournal Open Access collections currently in the catalog.
  • Compile list of all brainstorming projects, then allow CMC members to decide which to work on.
  • Alma Analytics – would need someone who is comfortable with the program.  Perhaps start with a list of what is desired for reports, what do we want to know.  Can be a struggle for those unfamiliar with how Analytics works.  Shortcuts for those who don’t use it often.  Training needed on how to create dashboards and then run reports.  Annual statistic reports are beginning to be shared by CARLI.
  • DEI Audit for CARLI collection – maybe conduct a literature review, see what others have done.  Daunting to consider doing this for the entire CARLI statewide collection.  Identify tools to help with this process.  Survey CARLI member libraries to see what they are currently doing?  Training on how to do this locally.  Do something similar to CARLI-facilitated OER sessions.
  • Weeding Ebooks Project – need to update literature review, revise instructions.  Keith willing to work on this on his own, assistance welcome if anyone is interested.

Next Meeting Dates and Deadlines

The Collection Management Committee will meet next on October 20, 2021 at 9am.

Committee Meetings:
November 17, 2021
December 15, 2021
January 19, 2022
February 16, 2022
March 16, 2022
April 20, 2022
May 18, 2022
June 15, 2022