Collection Management Committee: July 21, 2014

Conference Call

Members attending: Christophe Andersen, Columbia College Chicago; Jeffry Archer, University of Chicago; Sally Gibson, Illinois State University; Pam Hackbart-Dean, chair, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Jane Hopkins, Greenville College; Kristina Howard, Prairie State College; John Small, North Central College

Members Absent: Susan Prokopeak, Joliet Junior College, Lynn Wiley, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage

Staff Absent: Jen Masciadrelli


  • Jane Hopkins took minutes for the meeting.
  • The group decided to have monthly meetings with three of those meetings being in-person.


  • CARLI eBook PDA Pilot Project is proceeding well. The number of loans before purchase has been reduced from 9 to 3, due to pricing-structure changes by many publishers.
  • The CARLI print PDA project is continuing and going well.
  • Elizabeth reviewed the Committee's charge and the ongoing or past projects described on the CARLI Collections Management webpage.
  • Elizabeth will be updating the study of “Number of Copies in I-Share” looking at 2012 imprints to determine if purchasing patterns have changed since the recommendation was announced by the CARLI Board.
  • The “Whitepaper” is now to be an “Annual Project,” with the audience to be the CARLI membership and possibly academic libraries in general. Annual Projects can be continued from year to year, and need to be useful for the membership. There may be an expectation to present a synopsis to the membership at the Annual Meeting, such as with a short talk or a poster session. Topics must be reported to Susan Singleton by Nov. 1.


Possible Activities and Programs for FY15: The Committee reviewed the list of possible programs and topics to address this year as listed in the April 2014 Minutes, with attention to Budgeting 101 (how collection budgets are allocated, how to communicate with administrators to advocate budget increases); Serial Cancellation Decision Making; Developments in Publishing (i.e., libraries supervising university presses, predatory publishers, articles being posted behind pay walls or subscriptions for individuals, but not available for libraries); eBook Publishing Economics.

Tasks Assigned

  • Elizabeth will send out to the group the URL to the Evaluation report of the June eBook Panel sponsored by this Committee jointly with several other groups, which was attended by about 50 people.
  • Elizabeth will send to the group the links to all the Projects/White Papers that each CARLI committee completed this past year.
  • All members:
    • Consider who should serve as Chair-Elect this year;
    • Think about possible topics for webinars, forum workshops, etc.;
    • Think about possible topics for the Annual Project;
    • Fill out the coming survey for future meeting dates.

Next Meetings

To Be Determined