Created Content Committee Meeting: February 26, 2019

Conference Call

Members present: Marlee Graser (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Tricia Lampron (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Ariana Lim (Lewis University), Matt Short, Chair (Northern Illinois University), Angela Yon (Illinois State University), Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Hunt Dunlap (Western Illinois University)

Members absent: Greer Martin (Loyola University Chicago), Colin Koteles (College of DuPage)

CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso

CARLI staff absent: Elizabeth Clarage


  • Ariana was confirmed to take minutes this month.
  • The January 22, 2019 minutes were approved

CARLI Webinars

  • There have been two webinar sessions and the webinars are going well so far. There have been some technical glitches.
  • One more webinar next week
  • Alma presentation a little difficult to follow
  • BIBFRAME and Library of Congress presentation
    • Pilot catalogers and BIBFRAME
    • Confusion that CARLI catalogers were a part of the LoC project.
  • Elizabeth and Amy: Will compile survey responses at some point soon.
  • Survey results will be talked about at the next CARLI CCC meeting

Social Media Discussion

  • Table DAMS analysis for now.
  • Social media presence has been on hiatus for the past year.
  • If you have any concerns about the DAMS discussion being tabled, talk to Matt.
  • Administrators added to CARLI Facebook account?
    • Communications Director does not have a problem with adding members as editors.
    • Start with 2-3 people as basic users to see how it goes.
    • After initial 2-3 people, then go from there and add others.
    • Matt and Marlee willing to sign on.
    • 1-2 test posts before next meeting.
  • Other thoughts about CARLI CCC social media.
    • Administrative approval for posts?
      •  CARLI CCC and others in CARLI community can post.
    • Have a post template (guidelines of what to expect) and sign name and say “CARLI Content Committee.”
    • After posting, posts can be edited.
    • How people can submit posts to Facebook?
      • Use a Google Form.
      • Use items in the form to turn into a post.
    • Who wants to handle submissions and how frequently?
      • Back file of posts? Small team, one person per week.
      • 1 post a week. Then, if people are sending in a lot of content, post more.
    • Just digital collections or also digital humanities?
      • Both are fine considering that they are created content.
    • Analytics
      • Looking at this from the CONTENTdm end rather than Facebook end.
      • It should be possible to put a link in and get the analytics.
      • Non-CONTENTdm collections: Not sure if it is possible to measure the analytics. Facebook has analytics.
    • Committee members to send content (a backfile)?
    • Set a deadline for contributors.
    • Within the next month have members send out 1-2 submissions
    • Potentially launch next month
    • With submissions it is anticipated that we will have posts for about 2-2.5 months
    • Potentially having Amy’s post with new collections also being posted to Facebook. Permissions will have to be checked on.
    • 1-2 people as administrators for now, and later on add the rest of the members as administrators.
    • Posts
      • An image with 150 words
      • The goal is to have something that people can look at as they scroll through their Facebook page. Later on, having a best practices document or “this is what posts should look like.”
    • Images only? Or other content? Are these questions worth asking? Video and audio are options as well.
    • Content warnings for anything objectionable?
      • E.g., racist image or rude language.
      • Dime novel cover illustrations
    • Style guide from Tumblr? Or start from scratch?
    • Only 206 Facebook likes. Building an audience may take a while.
    • What does success look like? Views? Reshares?

Future Steps for Social Media

  • In the next newsletter, putting a disclaimer that this is something we’re trying out.
  • See what the traffic is now and then look at it in 6 months’ time to see if it is worth doing.

Next Month

  • Drafting a best practice document. Derive a lot from Tumblr.
  • This month (late Feb/March): testing and drafting best practices document
  • Confirm best practices and set up Google Form
  • Goal: Launch postings in May
  • Next meeting: Announcing posting in CARLI newsletter

Next Meeting

The next committee conference call will occur on March 26, 2019, from 9:00 to 10:00 am.