Created Content Committee Meeting: January 22, 2019


Members present: Marlee Graser (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Tricia Lampron (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Ariana Lim (Lewis University), Greer Martin (Loyola University Chicago), Matt Short, Chair (Northern Illinois University), Angela Yon (Illinois State University)

Members absent: Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Hunter Dunlap (Western Illinois University), Colin Koteles (College of DuPage)

CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage, Amy Maroso


  • Greer was confirmed to take minutes this month.
  • The December 4, 2018 meeting minutes were approved.

Discuss Linked Data Webinars

  • Jodi Schneider from School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign joined the call to discuss topics and audience for the first linked data webinar.
  • Technology test should occur in advance of the webinar, which should take 15 minutes. Matt will give Amy the contact information for the presenters and she will arrange the testing.
  • The committee discusses post-webinar survey questions, namely if they should be drafted now or if we should draft them after the sessions take place, so that they can be more specific.
  • CARLI has sent post-webinar evaluation surveys, they are generic and can potentially be adapted for this.
  • We will send three three surveys, one per webinar, and they will get sent out after each webinar. We’ll also compile resources that pertain to that webinar’s topics, and include them in the survey email.
  • Matt is starting a Google doc with the survey questions and we can begin to compile resources.
  • So far there are 64 registered for the first webinar, 57 for the second and 53 for the third.

Digital Asset Management Survey

  • We will hold off and instead focus on social media for the rest of the year.

CARLI Facebook Page Setup

  • A question arose over how to use the existing CARLI Facebook account. Someone from CARLI currently manages the account and is its administrator.
  • The committee would like to know if other accounts (i.e. personal Facebook accounts) can be added as administrators. Facebook allows multiple administrators per page.
  • The committee may prefer to personal accounts with the CARLI page, if the current administrator allows it, rather than a dummy (generic) committee account. This is because personal account linking will add more accountability.  
  • We could make the chair of the CCC the administrator, Facebook allows multiple administrators per page.
  • Amy will ask the current CARLI Facebook administrator what is possible

CARLI Facebook Page Announcement

  • The committee decided to table further conversations about announcement, creation of a style guide, and policies until next month. In the meantime Matt will draft the initial questions that the committee will need to answer.
  • The committee will compile social media accounts that people provided in the survey and ask for more in the newsletter. Matt will send language for the newsletter to Elizabeth by Friday 1/25/19.
  • Some of the issues that arose in the brief discussion are:
    • Guidelines will need to be written before an announcement is sent out. We can begin with what is already in the Tumblr document, and perhaps repurpose some of the style guide as well
    • There was an idea to have the committee or designated people from the committee approve content before it is posted to the CARLI page by guest posters.
    • We therefore may want to make a guidelines document for us (administrators) and a more abbreviated one for guest posters. The style guide for posters can be 1-2 pages, and then we can work on a longer best practices document where we recommend posting frequency, content, how to engage, and policies.
    • At first we may not need to specify frequency, and can see what we get. The committee can create posts themselves and have them ready for launch/announcement, in case we do not get many volunteers for guest posts.

Next Meeting

The next committee conference call will occur on February 26, 2019, from 9:00 to 10:00 am.