Created Content Committee Meeting: November 8, 2017


Members present: Ellen Corrigan, Chair (Eastern Illinois University), Alice Creason (Lewis University), Marlee Graser (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Colin Koteles (College of DuPage), Tricia Lampron (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Greer Martin (Illinois Institute of Technology), Matt Short (Northern Illinois University), Rebecca Skirvin (North Central College)

Member absent: Ian Collins (University of Illinois at Chicago)

CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage, Amy Maroso


  • Ellen was confirmed to take minutes this month.
  • The October 11, 2017 meeting minutes were approved.

Documentation Review Project

  • Documents with revised drafts ready for approval were discussed:
    • The need to include language regarding open access in the Digital Collection Development Policy was addressed.
    • Greer/Tricia and Ellen will send Amy copies of the Digital Collection Development Policy and the Collection-Level Bibliographic Records documents with changes tracked.
    • Tables and sources in the Images and Text documents were compared and edited to match as needed.
    • Overlap between the Images document and the “Managing Digital Images” section of the 3-D Objects document was noted for future consideration.
  • Revisions of the following documents were approved by the committee: Digital Collection Development Policy, Collection-Level Bibliographic Records, Best Practices for Images, Best Practices for Text, Best Practices for Three-Dimensional Objects.
  • Documents with revisions in progress were discussed:
    • For the Moving Images document, the issue of annual updates to ever-changing specifications versus links to external documents was considered. The committee also discussed the document’s intended audience and use.
    • For the CARLI Digital Collections Metadata document, the addition of information from the Required Metadata Fields document was discussed.  Amy clarified that the separate Required Metadata Fields document will still need to be maintained.
  • Final drafts of the following documents will be submitted prior to and approved at the next meeting on December 13: Best Practices for Audio, Best Practices for Moving Images, CARLI Digital Collections Metadata, Shareable Metadata.
  • The new “Digital Projects 101” document is under development. Alice has taken note of areas duplicated in the Best Practices documents (e.g., vendors, hardware) and is revising accordingly.
  • The committee looked over the procedures and sign-up sheet for the second phase of documentation review examining podcasts and webinars. Amy pointed out that the webinars on the LC DPOE digital preservation modules require a single recommendation, and therefore might better be reviewed collectively.

Other Items

  • Tricia asked about firming up a date for Sara Benson’s copyright Q&A webinar; the end of February was suggested. Amy will contact Hannah Stitzlein to set a date in late January for a webinar on
  • Amy reported slight movement on the social media promotion front, as one of the UIUC lawyers has put together a rough document. She hopes to give the committee a further update next month.

Next Meeting

The next committee conference call will occur on December 13, 2017, from 11:00am to 12:00pm.