Created Content Committee Meeting: July 28, 2016


Members present: Ian Collins (University of Illinois at Chicago), Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Alice Creason, (Lewis University), Margaret Heller, Chair (Loyola University Chicago), Sarah Prindle (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Matt Short (Northern Illinois University), Rebecca Skirvin (North Central College), Adam Strohm (Illinois Institute of Technology), Jen Wolfe (Newberry Library),

CARLI staff present: Elizabeth Clarage, Amy Maroso, Nicole Swanson


  • The June 28, 2016 meeting minutes were approved with corrections.
  • Sarah Prindle confirmed to take minutes.


  • The committee welcomed new members, Matt Short (Northern Illinois University), Rebecca Skirvin (North Central College), and returning members.

Review of FY2016 Projects

  • Tumblr
    • The Tumblr project will continue through next year.
    • Margaret suggested that Google Analytics could be added to supplement Tumblr’s internal statistics.
    • The committee has been doing themed Tumblr weeks with images from committee members’ institutions. Jen had previously suggested day-of-the-week themes instead. This alternative could be considered because many on the committee have struggled to find 5 images on a theme for a whole week.
    • Ian had a question about including content from CARLI member institutions not represented on the committee, and Amy indicated that the committee could bring this up with the new CARLI director. Margaret suggested approaching individual institutions about including their content on the Tumblr. For a future meeting, a few committee members, Margaret and others will come up with language for revisiting the issue of the Tumblr Project and the CARLI membership with the CARLI management team including addressing concerns about copyright and contacting individual institutions about getting their content on our Tumblr,. There was a question about past committee member institutions, and Amy suggested contacting CARLI administration about getting permission from those institutions as well.
    • For new members, the Tumblr best practices document was shared:
  • Podcasts
    • Margaret asked if the committee wanted to continue the podcasts, considering that only a few (3) were completed last year.
    • The committee set a goal of 2 or more podcasts in the coming year.
    • Margaret was curious about moving podcasts from iTunes U, maybe to a RSS Feed or on the Tumblr page, to get some usage data. Ian asked if the podcast could be on the regular iTunes podcast feed. Margaret will look into getting the podcast listed on iTunes and/or a RSS feed.
  • Updates to CONTENTdm Interface
    • One of last year’s projects was the update of the collection homepages in CONTENTdm, adding the “Browse all items” link on all collection homepages to make browsing easier. There are no other CONTENTdm interface projects or updates on the agenda for this committee for the coming year, but if anyone has any usability questions or concerns about it, they can bring those to the committee.
  • Changes to Google Analytics
  • Digitized Book & Featured Image
    • Alice said that there are no updates for the Digitized Book project.
    • Ellen explained the history of the Featured Image project, which highlights a digitized image on the CARLI website with a short write-up, posted every other Friday.

Discussion of 2016-2017 Major Project

  • Margaret suggested revisiting the “Digitization Resources and CONTENTdm Documentation” guide created by past incarnations of the committee (taken from the old wiki page):
  • Margaret has checked for broken links within the guide. The guide needs to be updated (it was made before 2013/14). Jen suggested that it is difficult to stay on top of the most recent information on digitization, and there are more authoritative guides of this kind on the web.
  • Margaret, Matt, Jen, and Adam proposed identifying the most useful elements of the guide to update, focusing on information like staff time or costs for digital platforms (i.e. Hydra-In-a-Box), or a comparison of digital tools versus digital asset management systems. Matt suggested the Digital POWRR Tool Grid might be a useful model:
  • Jen proposed another major project idea, creating a presentation layer API for CONTENTdm for individual institutional websites.
  • Amy advised that the addition of CARLI digital collections to DPLA may require a review of metadata of CONTENTdm collections.
  • Margaret and Rebecca discussed a project focusing on shareable metadata/cleaning up out of context metadata in relationship to the CONTENTdm/DPLA collaboration or in ways that is useful for our committee/institutional members. The committee discussed creating a guide and podcast and/or webinar on creating/cleaning up shareable metadata and rights statements. Amy pointed out that DPLA requires Creative Commons licensing, and this could be folded into the project. Matt suggested providing guidelines for doing analysis of metadata in relationship to DPLA standards.
  • Margaret proposed looking into options for defining the major project (scope and format) for the next meeting (the August 8 conference call).

Ongoing Projects

The committee discussed organizing into subcommittees to accomplish ongoing/annual projects, perhaps breaking into promotion/assessment and technical teams.

  • Ellen suggested paring down ongoing projects based on usage/impact, and the relative impact of the Featured Image and Digitized Book was discussed.
  • Margaret suggested using podcasts to report/share on the year’s major project, so the podcasts could be divvied up once that project is defined.
  • It was also proposed that Google Analytics be used to assess the committee’s promotional projects.
  • A document will be sent out for committee members to sign up for ongoing projects (Featured Image, Digitized Book, Tumblr, Podcast, Google Analytics).

Committee Meeting Schedule

  • The monthly meeting time for the year will be determined by a Doodle poll or email survey, to be discussed at the August 8 meeting.

Tentative Timeline for Ongoing Projects

Matt, Jen, and Ian volunteered to cover the next few weeks of Tumblr posts, Alice and Ellen will post Featured Image through August, and the schedule for the rest of the year will be discussed at the August 8 meeting.

Next Meeting

August 8: 1-4 p.m.