Created Content Committee Meeting: September 22, 2015

Conference Call

Members present: Ian Collins (University of Illinois at Chicago), Alice Creason (Lewis University), Ellen Corrigan (Eastern Illinois University), Margaret Heller (Loyola University Chicago), Mary Rose (Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville), Anne Shelley (Illinois State University), Adam Strohm (Illinois Institute of Technology), Jen Wolfe (Newberry Library)

Members absent: Sarah Prindle (Southern Illinois University Carbondale)

CARLI staff present: Amy Maroso, Elizabeth Clarage

Meeting Minutes

  • August minutes approved with corrections.
  • Jen is taking minutes for today’s meeting.

Continuing Projects

  1. Featured image – Ellen, Alice, Anne, Jen, and Mary are rotating duties.
  2. Featured book – Alice, Ellen, and Ian are rotating duties.
  3. Podcasts – episode ideas, with a focus on marketing for digital collections:
    1. Outcomes from survey/white paper, Tumblr project – Committee members
    2. DPLA news (i.e. CARLI digital collection metadata and links to DPLA via Illinois hub) – Sandra Fritz at Illinois State Library; Margaret will contact
    3. Explore Chicago Collections update – Chicago Collections staff and/or librarians participating in ECC

CONTENTdm Tagging Pilot Project

  • Background: When the committee reviewed the new features of CONTENTdm Version 6.10 prior to the software upgrade, decision was made not to enable tagging as a default due to challenges with coordination.
  • Mary and Amy are testing CDM’s tagging functionality with the EBR Million Man March digital collection: 900 photos of mostly unidentified marchers; 20th anniversary of the march is on October 16. Pilot goals: public engagement, collecting metadata, and developing CDM tagging workflow (e.g. find out where tagging data is stored; create a script for automatic email notification). Plan to start ASAP, leave it on for a month or two.
  • Regarding project promotion, the team will write a press release for approval by their administration. They will then distribute it to CARLI email groups and others. The two Featured Image spots for October will highlight the collection and project.


  • Jen explained the work of the Tumblr group: creating a test site and sample posts; drafting guidelines; and surveying Tumblrs on similar projects (archives, special collections, digital libraries).
  • A discussion of rights and permissions followed. Is the Tumblr project violating CARLI rights statements? Are those statements outdated and questionably legal? Should we adopt an opt-out policy? Just announce the project (i.e. forgiveness rather than permission)? Is this merely an extension of the long-running featured image series? Amy will check in with others at CARLI.
  • Two suggestions were given for editing the Tumblr guidelines: hyperlinking images back to the original record (in addition to the hyperlinked text already present), and noting that images from the Saskia and Sanborn collections may not be used.
  • An abstract and title for the project is due November 2.

Next Meeting

  • Adam, Amy, Margaret, and Mary on Google Analytics and usage data reports.

Meeting adjourned at noon.