Commercial Products Committee Meeting: May 9, 2019


Members Attending:  Lesley Wolfgang, Chair (Saint John's College of Nursing), Edith List (Principia College), Jeffrey Matlak (Western Illinois University), Will Midgley (University of Illinois at Chicago), Jim Millhorn (Northern Illinois University), Thane Montaner (Prairie State College), Kavita Mundle (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Members Absent:  Xiaotian Chen (Bradley University), Amanda Wiesenhofer (Lincoln Land Community College)

CARLI Staff Attending:  Cindy Clennon, Jenny Taylor


FY20 Selection system

Hit the $4 million benchmark as of the meeting. Subsidized database information was recently put in, and libraries need to select the Alexander Street Press Black Thought & Culture and Women & Social Movements, because consortially paid access fees have expired. A message will go out next week reminding people of the access fee selection. Export of selected products initially did not work, but does now.



DSI Data Services & Information:  AllThatStats - No interest

CQ Products:  CARLI staff are working on integrating CQ products, Sage Business Cases, Sage Data, Sage Video, and Data Planet into a new Sage license.  It would put CQ on a calendar year cycle, and libraries currently renew at different times of year.  Committee expressed that it could be a problem paying for CQ twice in a fiscal year to get things lined up, though it would be possible to work around.  Committee is in support.

2019-2020 Committee

New Chair:  Edith List (Principia) has agreed to be chair for 2019-2020.

Committee Members:  We will know of new committee members in June.

Tasks Assigned

Annual Report:  Lesley will write up the committee annual report, due 5/31 to the CARLI Board.