I-Share Next Task Force, February 27, 2015

CARLI Office, Champaign

Members attending: Pat Boze (Illinois State Library), Anita Foster (Illinois State University), Cindy Fuller (Millikin University), Tom Goetz (Harper College), Kristine Hammerstrand (CARLI), Tammy Kuhn-Schnell (Lincoln Land Community College), Tami Luedtke (DePaul University), Michael Norman (University of Illinois Urbana Champaign), Ted Schwitzner (CARLI), Matthew Short (Northern Illinois University), Connie Walsh (CARLI), Suzanne Wilson (Illinois Wesleyan University)

Members absent: Susan Singleton (CARLI)

Staff attending: None

Guests: none.

Meeting Overview:

For this meeting, Task Force focused on the document outline for the “working” task area of acquiring and selecting. The group refined the main functional needs and objectives and filled in gaps in what had been drafted to date. The TF reviewed two other RFPs—the Orbis Cascade LMS RFP (2012), and the CARLI ERM RFP (2008)—and selected some elements from those documents to enhance electronic resource requirements.

The Task Force also discussed the preparations needed for getting the specification teams up and running. The TF decided that team conveners should orient the teams, rather than attempt to hold a single orientation webinar. The orientation would include talking points in the following areas:

  • Team charge and deadlines
  • Member responsibilities and obligations
  • Expectations with respect to the outlines
    • Brainstorm on specifications and needs that they see in their libraries or others
    • Add specifications when gaps are present
    • Identify areas of the outline where questions or draft specifications are unclear.
    • Try to identify unique or niche applications that libraries have implemented, using the LMS in a way that might not be expected
  • Provide priorities that suggest how specifications might be scored by the Task Force.


  • The TF will move the March 20 meeting to March 18. That meeting will involve the review of the Working section for Knowledge Base/Link Resolvers.
  • Instead of holding a Specification Team orientation webinar, the team conveners will orient their teams to the process directly with a list of organization points. Kris and Ted will draft the talking points document.
  • The TF will review the draft survey on interoperability, developed by the former I-Share Systems Committee, at a future meeting to determine what information should be gathered about systems that members want to connect with I-Share Next.


  • None.

Tasks assigned:

  • Create Basecamp projects for each ISN Spec Team (Kris, Ted)

Continuing tasks:

  • Write charges for Spec Teams (Kris)
  • Contact Spec Team members (Kris)
  • Add Spec Team members to Basecamp (Ted)
  • TF Assignment: CARLI User Services to draft specifications for the area of “Implementing”
  • Ted will work on adding resources to the I-Share Next web page on the CARLI website.

Meeting Dates and Deadlines:

  • Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 18, 2015, CARLI Office, Champaign
    • The TF will review and develop the “ “Knowledge bases/Link Resolving” task area document
  • Schedule of I-Share Next Task Force Meetings:
  • Friday, April 17, 2015, CARLI Office, Champaign
  • Friday, May 15, 2015, CARLI Office, Champaign
  • Following on the third Friday of each month
  • The TF will consider the possibility of and timing for a two day meeting
  • Responses from Team Members due Friday, March 6
  • Specification Team Deadlines
    • Spec Team first drafts due Monday, April 13 
    • Spec Team final drafts due Tuesday, June 30