Paul V. Galvin Library, IIT

Collection Development & Management Statistics

Electronic Resources

" selected=\"selceted\"", FALSE => "" ); //end array "selected" $dropdown = " \n"; $dropdown .= " \n"; mysql_free_result($result); return $dropdown; } //end function DropDownElement function dbTable($show, $year) { //select the proper database table for the selected report if ($show == "download") { $tbl = "`JR1_".$year."_COUNTER`"; }else { $tbl = "`DB1_".$year."_COUNTER`"; } //end if return $tbl; } //end function dbTable function validComparison ($yearArray) { //check to see if we're comparing a base year with any other year(s) $year = $yearArray[0]; $start = $yearArray[1]; $end = $yearArray[2]; //it's not a valid comparison if we're only comparing against the selected year. return $valid = !(($end == $year) && ($start == $year)); } //end function validComparison function organize($year, $start, $end) { //organize the years in ascending order regardless of how they were entered //while we're at it, we'll also set "none" to equal the comparison base year if ($start == "none") $start = $year; if ($end == "none") $end = $year; if (($start == $end) && ($start != $year)) $start = $year; $diff = $start - $end; $years[0] = $year; if ($diff > 0) { $years[1] = $end; $years[2] = $start; }else{ $years[1] = $start; $years[2] = $end; } //end if return $years; } //end function organize function ytd($show, $year, $total, $table, $compare, $sq) { //create the monthly total columns for single-year reports and also //the year-to-date total columns $ytd = ""; if (!$compare) { date_default_timezone_set("America/Chicago"); $start = $month = strtotime("$year-01-01"); $end = strtotime("$year-12-31"); while($month < $end) { $strMonth = date('M', $month); //echo "$strMonth, "; $ytd .= ($sq) ? " SUM($table.`$strMonth`) AS `$strMonth $year`," : " $table.`$strMonth $year`,"; //$ytd .= " SUM($table.$strMonth) AS `$strMonth $year`,"; $month = strtotime("+1 month", $month); } //end while } // end if if ($show == "download") { $ytd .= ($sq) ? " SUM($table.`Total HTML`) AS `$year Total HTML`," : " $table.`$year Total HTML`,"; $ytd .= ($sq) ? " SUM($table.`Total PDF`) AS `$year Total PDF`," : " $table.`$year Total PDF`,"; } //end if $ytd .= ($sq) ? " SUM($table.`Total`) AS `$year Total`" : " $table.`$year Total`"; return $ytd; } //end function ytd function sqlWhere($show, $group, $year, $total) { //create the WHERE part of the SQL Query $where = ""; $table = dbTable($show, $year); $blank = "$table.`$group` IS NOT NULL AND $table.`$group` <> '' "; $task = "$table.`task` LIKE '%$show%'"; if ($total) { if ($show != "download") $where = " WHERE $task"; }else { if ($show != "download") $where = " WHERE $task"; if ($where =="") { $where = " WHERE $blank"; }else{ $where .= " AND $blank"; }//end if } //end if return $where; } //end function sqlWhere function makeQuery($show, $by, $yearArray, $total, $compare) { //create the SQL query //in the single case of showing a download (journal) report sorted by title, we need to group results by ISSN //otherwise we group them on the same key we sort them by $group = ($by=="title" && $show=="download") ? "Print ISSN" : $by; $sel = "SELECT `sq".$yearArray[0]."`.`$by`, "; //we need to loop through each year & create a sub query so we can run a comparison if requested //if only a single year was selected, only one subquery is created & is used by itself $year = $yearArray[1]; for ($year=$yearArray[1]; $year<=$yearArray[2]; $year++) { $tbl = dbTable($show, $year); $subQuery[$year] = ($total) ? "SELECT 'TOTAL' AS `$by`," : "SELECT $tbl.`$by`,"; $subQuery[$year] .= ($compare && (($show=="download") && ($by!=$group))) ? " $tbl.`$group`, " : ""; $subQuery[$year] .= ytd($show, $year, $total, $tbl, $compare, TRUE); $subQuery[$year] .= " FROM $tbl"; $subQuery[$year] .= sqlWhere($show, $group, $year, $total); $subQuery[$year] .= ($total) ? "" : " GROUP BY $tbl.`$group` ORDER BY $tbl.`$by` ASC"; //$subQuery[$year] .= ") AS `sq$year`"; $sel .= ytd($show, $year, $total, "`sq$year`", $compare, FALSE).","; $leftJoin[$year] = " ON `sq$yearArray[0]`.`$by` = `sq$year`.`$by`"; } //next $year $sel = substr($sel, 0, strlen($sel)-1)." FROM ("; //join the subqueries if we're comparing multiple years if ($compare) { //need to build left joins $sql = $sel.$subQuery[$yearArray[0]].") AS `sq".$yearArray[0]."`"; for ($year=$yearArray[1]; $year<=$yearArray[2]; $year++) { //we can't compare with base year, so skip this one if ($year != $yearArray[0]) { $sql .= " LEFT JOIN (".$subQuery[$year].") AS `sq$year` ".$leftJoin[$year]; } //end if } //next $year }else{ //it's a single year query--all we need is the subquery $sql = $subQuery[$yearArray[0]]; } //end if return $sql; } //end function makeQuery function showStats($show, $by, $year, $start, $end) { //normalize the years $yearArray = organize($year, $start, $end); //this returns an array ($year, minimum, maximum) $compare = validComparison($yearArray); //construct & submit the total query $total = TRUE; $sql = makeQuery($show, $by, $yearArray, $total, $compare); $result = mysql_query($sql); if (!$result) { die("Query to show Total row failed
Here's the query:
"); } //end if //start printing table $fields_num = mysql_num_fields($result); echo "\n \n"; // print table headers for($i=0; $i<$fields_num; $i++) { $field = mysql_fetch_field($result); echo " \n"; } //next $i echo " \n"; // print TOTAL row $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); echo " \n"; foreach($row as $cell) echo " "; echo " \n"; mysql_free_result($result); //construct & submit the itemized query $total = FALSE; $sql = makeQuery($show, $by, $yearArray, $total, $compare); $result = mysql_query($sql); if (!$result) { die("Query to show details failed
Here's the query:
"); } //end if // printing remaining table rows $fields_num = mysql_num_fields($result); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { echo " \n"; foreach($row as $cell) echo " \n"; echo " \n"; } //end while mysql_free_result($result); echo "
\n {$field->name}\n
\n $cell\n
\n $cell\n
\n"; return; } //end function showStats //collect the POSTed variables $show = (isset($_POST['show'])) ? $_POST['show'] : ""; $by = (isset($_POST['by'])) ? $_POST['by'] : ""; $year = (isset($_POST['year'])) ? $_POST['year'] : ""; $start = (isset($_POST['start'])) ? $_POST['start'] : ""; $end = (isset($_POST['end'])) ? $_POST['end'] : ""; //define the database connection $db_host = 'localhost'; $db_user = 'glerus'; $db_pwd = 'glerus'; $database = 'glerus'; //open the database connection $dbLink = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pwd); if (!$dbLink) die("Can't connect to database"); if (!mysql_select_db($database)) die("Can't select database"); //create the form: echo "

\n"; echo "

\n"; echo DropDownElement("show", "show", "Show ", $show, FALSE); echo DropDownElement("by", "by", " by ", $by, FALSE); echo DropDownElement("year", "year", " for ", $year, FALSE); echo DropDownElement("start", "year", " and compare with ", $start, TRUE); echo DropDownElement("end", "year", " through ", $end, TRUE); echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo "
NOTE 1: for journals (downloads), ISSN is used for comparing titles, but not for sorting.
\n"; echo "
NOTE 2: comparisons do NOT include monthly numbers.
\n"; echo "
NOTE 3: journal stats include ALL titles, both subscribed and unsubscribed.
\n"; echo "
NOTE 4: year-by-year comparisons of journals by title take a long time.
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "

\n"; //display the statistics requested if ($show != "") { showStats($show, $by, $year, $start, $end); } //end if //all done mysql_close($dbLink); ?>